2022年1月23日 星期日

debentures, issuer, register, falsetto, electoral register/roll, take heat

Debentures are a type of loan – sometimes refundable, sometimes not – paid to schools in exchange for prioritising a pupil’s enrolment.
Debenture prices for Hong Kong international schools tumble
Debenture prices for Hong Kong international schools tumble
The cost of debentures at elite schools can run into seven figures, but

...did not really register for me
Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates is taking heat from education groups, which say the Gates Foundation’s philanthropic support comes with strings attached. Here, he responds to his critics in an interview with The Washington Post’s Lyndsey Layton.

Movement for Change - a grassroots campaign to get Labour activists more involved in the community set up by David Miliband - was fined £5,500.
It is an offence to keep a political donation from someone who is not on a UK electoral register.

Merkel Takes Heat on Greece
Chancellor Angela Merkel's effort to rally Germans behind her strategy for saving Greece and the euro suffered a blow after a senior member of her government said Athens should be encouraged to leave the currency bloc.

Android Hits Consumer Radars
The slew of Android phones entering the market this year, particularly the Motorola Droid, have helped the Google operating system register with consumers.

Maybe It’s Time to Change Credit Cards

Credit cards are raising rates and fees as new federal rules take effect. But if your credit is good, you can always switch card issuers.
中英對照讀新聞/Beethoven music shaped by gradual deafness, say experts 專家說,逐漸失聰形塑貝多芬的音樂
Composer Ludwig van Beethoven’s gradual deafness may have influenced his compositions, experts have announced. As his hearing got worse, he favoured lower and middle-range notes in his music. An analysis of Beethoven’s music has found that once he became totally deaf, he began to use high notes again.
Researchers say the findings explain Beethoven’s music, which has always been divided into three periods. Researchers from the University of Amsterdam, have found his early quartets used a variety of high notes.
By 1810, when he composed the opus 74 and 95 quartets, the amount of high notes he used dropped significantly, tending towards lower frequency notes. But the higher registers increased again in 1825, when he wrote the late string quartets opus 127 to 135 and it was thought he had become completely deaf.
The report’s author Edoardo Saccenti said:"These results suggest that, as deafness progressed, Beethoven tended to use middle and low frequency notes, which he could hear better when music was performed. When he came to rely completely on his inner ear he was no longer compelled to produce music he could actually hear when performed and slowly returned to his inner musical world and earlier composing experiences."
  • 音節de • ben • ture
  • 発音dibéntʃər
  1. 1((英))借入証明書,債務証書
    • debenture stock
    • (無期限償還で利子を目的とする)社債券
  2. 2(再輸出への)戻し税証明書
  3. 3((米))(無担保)社債

composition:名詞,作曲。例句:At music school I studied piano and composition.(我在音樂學校學鋼琴跟作曲。)
register:名詞,音域。例句:music written mainly for the lower register of the clarinet(主要為單簧管低音域寫的音樂)。
compel:動詞,強迫,強求。例句:As a school boy he was compelled to wear shorts even in winter.(當他是學童時,即使冬天也被強迫要穿短褲。)

fal·set·to (fôl-sĕt'ōpronunciation

n.pl. -tos.
  1. A male voice in an upper register beyond its normal range.
  2. One who sings or talks in this register.
[Italian, diminutive of falso, false, from Latin falsus. See false.]
falsetto fal·set'to adv.

中文(繁體) (Chinese (Traditional))
n. - 假音, 假聲歌手

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 裏声, ファルセット, ファルセット歌手
adv. - 裏声で
Wikipedia article "Falsetto".


  • Intensity of feeling, especially of anger or excitement:conciliation services are designed to take the heat out of disputes

  • 2.1(the heat) • informal Intensive and unwelcome pressure or criticism, especially from the authorities:a flurry of legal proceedings turned up the heat in the disputethe heat is on

issuern. (ĭsh"ū̍*r)One who issues, emits, or publishes.
A legal entity that develops, registers and sells securities for the purpose of financing its operations. Issuers may be domestic or foreign governments, corporations or investment trusts. Issuers are legally responsible for the obligations of the issue and for reporting financial conditions, material developments and any other operational activities as required by the regulations of their jurisdictions. The most common types of securities issued are common and preferred stocks, bonds, notes, debentures, bills and derivatives.

electoral roll

Line breaks: elect|or¦al roll
(also electoral register)


in the UK, an official list of the people in a district who are entitled to vote in an election: all voters must be entered on the electoral roll, which is updated annuallyMore example sentences


    1. A formal or official recording of items, names, or actions.
    2. A book for such entries.
    3. An entry in such a record.
  1. The act of registering.
  2. A device that automatically records a quantity or number.
  3. Computer Science. A part of the central processing unit used as a storage location.
  4. An adjustable, grill-like device through which heated or cooled air is released into a room.
  5. A state of proper alignment: to be in register.
  6. Printing.
    1. Exact alignment of the lines and margins on the opposite sides of a leaf.
    2. Proper positioning of colors in color printing.
  7. Music.
    1. The range of an instrument or a voice.
    2. A part of such a range.
    3. A group of matched organ pipes; a stop.
  8. A variety of language used in a specific social setting: speaking in an informal register; writing in a scientific register.

v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.tr.
    1. To enter in an official register.
    2. To enroll officially or formally, especially in order to vote or attend classes.
  1. To set down in writing; record: "It is for the historian to discover and register what actually happened" (Robert Conquest).
  2. To indicate on or as if on an instrument or a scale.
  3. To give outward signs of; express: Her face registered surprise.
  4. To attain or achieve: registered a new high in sales.
  5. To cause (mail) to be officially recorded and specially handled by payment of a fee.
  6. To adjust so as to be properly aligned.
  1. To place or cause placement of one's name in a register.
  2. To have one's name officially placed on a list of eligible voters.
  3. To enroll as a student.
  4. To be indicated on or as if on an instrument or a scale.
  5. To be shown or expressed, as on the face.
  6. To make an impression; be recorded in the mind: The warning failed to register.
  7. To be in proper alignment.
[Middle English registre, from Old French, from Medieval Latin registrum, alteration of Late Latin regesta, from Latin, neuter pl. past participle of regerere, to record : re-, re- + gerere, to carry.]
registerer reg'is·ter·er n.
registrable reg'is·tra·ble (-ĭ-strə-bəl) adj.

━━ n. 記録[登録,登記](簿); 船籍証明書; 記入事項; 自動記録器, 金銭登録器, レジスター; 温度[通風]調節装置; 【楽】声域, 音域, (オルガンの)ストップ; 【印】見当 ((印刷面の表裏整合)); 【コンピュータ】レジスタ ((特に算術演算・論理演算に使用する一時記憶格納用の区域)); 【言】言語使用域.
━━ vt. 記録[登録,登記]する; 書留にする; (計器が)示す; …の表情をする.
━━ vi. (宿で)記帳[記名]する; (選挙人名簿などに)登録する; 効果をあげる.
reg・is・tered ━━ a. 登録した; 書留の; 血統書付の.
registered bond 〔米〕 【株】記名公債.
registered capital =authorized share capital.
registered company 〔英〕 【法】登記会社.
registered design 登録意匠.
registered disabled 〔英〕 認定身体障害の.
Registered General Nurse 〔英〕 =registered nurse.
registered letter 書留書簡.
registered mail 〈米〉[post〈英〉] 書留郵便.
registered nurse 正看護婦.
registered office 登録事務所 ((英国の会社が設置する;郵便物などのあて先となる)).
registered representative 【株】(登録)証券外務員.
registered trademark 登録商標 ((記号 )).
registered trader 【株】(証券取引所)登録トレーダー.
registered user 【コンピュータ】正規ユーザー.
register length 【コンピュータ】レジスタ長.
register of directors 〔英〕 【法】取締役人名簿.
register office 登記所.
register of members =share register.
