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2月1日上午1:57 ·
Henri Matisse (1869-1954) Le guitariste debout, 1903
Stand News 立場新聞
高達斌、傅振中周六辦撐警燭光晚會 料二千人參與 | 立場報道 | 立場新聞
So I am especially surprised when it fails in fields it is most known for. I’ve already railed about the unbelievably lackluster search engine on the Android Marketplace. C’mon guys, you OWN search.
American TV not crazy, just Japanese
CNN International - USA ABC is debuting "I Survived A Japanese Game Show" Tuesday, filmed in Japan. Another man, dressed like an insect, flings himself onto a giant-sized ...
汉密尔顿将在2009年10月接替现任校长约翰·胡德博士(Dr John Hood),成为牛津大学的新校长。此前,牛津校务会议(University Council)一致通过校长提名委员会的建议,接受汉密尔顿的提名,但是牛津校规规定,扮演大学议会角色的牛津大学大会(Congregation)有权反对这项提名。
The appointment of Professor Andrew Hamilton as the next Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford has now been confirmed. Professor Hamilton will succeed Dr John Hood in October 2009.
Professor Hamilton’s nomination was announced on 3 June after the University Council accepted the unanimous recommendation of the Nominating Committee for the Vice-Chancellorship. However, University regulations make it possible for members of Congregation, the University’s parliament, to object to a nomination. The deadline for objections passed at noon today, with none received.
Professor Hamilton, who is currently Provost of Yale University, said: "I am delighted that my future colleagues have shown this confidence in me and my appointment. It is still well over a year until I take up my new duties but I would like to assure everyone at Oxford, and all those associated with it, that I shall work tirelessly to repay their trust and to help ensure that a great University has an even better future."
As the nomination of Professor Hamilton was the only scheduled business for the meeting of Congregation on 24 June, the meeting is cancelled. Formal notice of the cancellation of the meeting will appear in the University Gazette of 20 June.
Professor Hamilton, who is currently Provost of Yale University, said: "I am delighted that my future colleagues have shown this confidence in me and my appointment. It is still well over a year until I take up my new duties but I would like to assure everyone at Oxford, and all those associated with it, that I shall work tirelessly to repay their trust and to help ensure that a great University has an even better future."
As the nomination of Professor Hamilton was the only scheduled business for the meeting of Congregation on 24 June, the meeting is cancelled. Formal notice of the cancellation of the meeting will appear in the University Gazette of 20 June.
- an assistant or deputy vice chancellor of a university.
"the University was represented by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor J. L. Spencer"
Pro-vice-chancellor - Wikipedia
A pro-vice-chancellor (or pro vice-chancellor, PVC) or deputy vice-chancellor (DVC) is a deputy to the vice-chancellor of a university.The actual chief executive of a university is the Vice-Chancellor.
noun [C]
1 UK the person in charge of a British college or university
2 US the person in charge of some parts of a college or university in the US
group noun [C]
a group of people gathered together in a religious building for worship and prayer:
The vicar asked the congregation to kneel.
congregational singing
━━ n. 会議; 評議会, 審議会, 協議会; 地方議会; 〔英〕 (the C-) 枢密院; 討議.
in council 会議中で.
council chamber 会議室.
council estate 〔英〕 公営住宅団地.
council house 議場; 〔英〕 公営住宅 (council flat).
council・man 〔米〕 地方議会議員.
Council of Economic Advisors (the ~) (米国)経済諮問委員会.
Council of
urope (the ~) 欧州会議.
coun・ci・lor, coun・cil・lor
━━ n. 評議員, 顧問官; (地方議会の)議員; 大使館参事官.
House of Councilors (the ~) (日本の)参議院.
council・person (市・町議会の)議員.
council school 〔英〕 公立小学校.
council tax 〔英〕 自治体税.

House of Councilors (the ~) (日本の)参議院.

━━ n. 集合; 集まった人々; 【宗】集会; ((単複両扱い)) 会衆; イスラエル人; キリスト教会; 〔米〕 (植民地時代の)教区, 移住区; 〔英〕 大学評議員会.
con・gre・ga・tion・al ━━ a. 会衆の; (C-) 組合教会の.
Con・gre・ga・tio・nal・ism n. 会衆[組合]教会主義.
Con・gre・ga・tio・nal・ist n.
Congregational Church (the ~) 会衆[組合]教会.

Con・gre・ga・tio・nal・ism n. 会衆[組合]教会主義.
Con・gre・ga・tio・nal・ist n.
Congregational Church (the ~) 会衆[組合]教会.
(dā-byū', dā'byū')
also dé·but n.
- A first public appearance, as of a performer.
- The formal presentation of a young woman to society.
- The beginning of a course of action: the debut of a new foreign policy.
To present in or make a debut.
[French début, from débuter, to give the first stroke in a game, begin : dé-, from, away (from Old French de-; see de–) + but, goal, target (from Old French butte; see butt3).]
USAGE NOTE Debut is widely used as a verb, both intransitively (Her new series will debut next March on network television) and transitively (The network will debut her new series next March).
These usages are well established in connection with entertainment and the performing arts but are not entirely acceptable when used of other sorts of introductions, as of products (The company will debut the new six-cylinder convertible next fall) or publications (The national edition of the newspaper debuted last summer), probably because of the association of the form with the language of show-business publicity.
rail3 (rāl)

intr.v., railed, rail·ing, rails.
To express objections or criticisms in bitter, harsh, or abusive language. See synonyms at scold.
[Middle English railen, from Old French railler, to tease, joke, from Old Provençal ralhar, to chat, joke, from Vulgar Latin *ragulāre, to bray, from Late Latin ragere.]