Over the years, she’s been a tough sell. Like all female artists she’s probably been viewed, institutionally, as bad box office. As a transcultural figure — Latin American-born but long a resident of the United States; Indigenous by self-election more than by birth — she has been hard to profile. Then there’s the fact that she has a substantial, even primary reputation as a published poet. A large percentage of her creative output has been in the ephemeral form of performed and printed words, all but unsalable and uncollectable, investment-wise, in an art world context.
In this GatesNotes Blog post, Bill Gates reflects on his visit to robotics labs at Harvard SEAS and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard: https://buff.ly/2CZBSIFBill Gates reflects on his visit to SEAS

Bot, britches and bees | Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Bill Gates reflects on his visit to SEAS
Bioinspired materials - Latest research and news | Nature
Bioinspiration is the development of novel materials, devices, and structures inspired by solutions found in biological systems and biological evolution and refinement which has occurred over millions of years.[1] The goal is to improve modeling and simulation of the biological system to attain a better understanding of the nature's critical structural features, such as a wing, for use in future bioinspired designs.[2] Bioinspiration differs from biomimicry in that the latter aims to precisely replicate the designs of biological materials. Bioinspired research is a return to the classical origins of science: it is a field based on observing the remarkable functions that characterize living organisms, and trying to abstract and imitate those functions.
Three hundred years ago, intellectuals of the European Enlightenment constructed a mythology of technology. Influenced by a confluence of humanism, colonialism, and racism, this mythology ignored local wisdom and indigenous innovation, deeming it primitive. Today, we have slowly come to realize that the legacy of this mythology is haunting us. Designers understand the urgency of reducing humanity’s negative environmental impact, yet perpetuate the same mythology of technology that relies on exploiting nature. Responding to climate change by building hard infrastructures and favoring high-tech homogenous design, we are ignoring millennia-old knowledge of how to live in symbiosis with nature. Without implementing soft systems that use biodiversity as a building block, designs remain inherently unsustainable. Lo—TEK, derived from Traditional Ecological Knowledge, is a cumulative body of multigenerational knowledge, practices, and beliefs, countering the idea that indigenous innovation is primitive and exists isolated from technology. It is sophisticated and designed to sustainably work with complex ecosystems. With a foreword by anthropologist Wade Davis and four chapters spanning Mountains, Forests, Deserts, and Wetlands, 'Lo-TEK' explores thousands of years of human wisdom and ingenuity from 20 countries including Peru, the Philippines, Tanzania, Kenya, Iran, Iraq, India, and Indonesia. We rediscover an ancient mythology in a contemporary context, radicalizing the spirit of human nature.
Ultimately, the Okinawans’ health is probably due to a lucky confluence of many factors, Ryan says. “And specific interactions among these factors will also be important.” And we may need many more years of research to understand the importance of each of those ingredients before we finally come up with a true recipe for the “elixir of youth”.
“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
― Oscar Wilde
由邱國維老師指導,本系研究所國際學程建築設計組學生團隊,參與「2016全球仿生設計競賽」(Biomimicry Global Design Challenge),從18國86個團隊中脫穎而出,以蜂巢與繭的生物結構做為居家食物處理器概念,最後榮獲第二名佳績!恭喜。
Arrests of 3 Mayors Reinforce Florida's Notoriety as a Hothouse for Corruption
In a state that led the nation in convictions of public officials
last decade, the leaders of Homestead, Sweetwater and Miami Lakes were
apprehended within a month.
Anger at Leadership Spills Into Gas Lines
Long gas lines are among a confluence of crises feeding discontent among
Egyptians as plans for protests this weekend stir fears of violence and
Solving the Puzzles of Mimicry in Nature
Analyzing the DNA of dangerous butterflies who copy other species,
scientists have found that some shared color-controlling genes.
influence-peddling scheme該作何解 販賣影響力買通有影響力者的計畫
Prosecutors continue to investigate allegations that first lady Wu Shen-chen improperly received free SOGO coupons in an influence-peddling scheme.
Collaborations popping up across the country between charter and traditional public schools show promise that charter schools could fulfill their original purpose of becoming research-and-development hothouses for public education, champions of charters say. But both supporters and skeptics of charter schools agree that so far the cooperative efforts are not widespread nor are most of them very deep. The U.S. Department of Education spent $6.7 million in fiscal 2009 on grants to states for charters to share what they've learned with other schools. It is now conducting a feasibility study on ways to support the spread of promising charter school practices, said Scott D. Pearson, the department's acting director of the charter schools program. The article is in Education Week.
Taiwan Jobs Sucked to China by Failure to Mimic Singapore Model
Monday, July 4, 2011
July 4 (Bloomberg) -- A decade ago, Wu Wen-nan earned $726 a month at a Taiwan factory run by Foxconn Technology Group, maker of Apple Inc.'s iPhones and iPads. Today, he peddles magazines and takes handouts from a charity.
Mimicking Intel, National Semiconductor lowered its sales forecast for the current quarter by more than 10 percent. It had expected revenue of between $470 million to $480 million for the period ending Nov. 23, but is now looking for revenue between $420 million and $425 million.
- relating to or involving more than one culture; cross-cultural."the increasingly transcultural relationships among writers in the twentieth century"
verb [T] mimicking, mimicked, mimicked
to copy the way in which a particular person usually speaks and moves, usually in order to amuse people:
She was mimicking the various people in our office.
noun [C]
a person who can copy the sounds or movements of other people:
She's a brilliant mimic.
noun [U]
tr.v., -icked, -ick·ing, -ics.
- To copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression, and gesture; ape.
- To copy or imitate so as to ridicule; mock: always mimicking the boss. See synonyms at imitate.
- To resemble closely; simulate: an insect that mimics a twig.
- To take on the appearance of.
- One who imitates, especially:
- An actor or actress in a mime.
- One who practices the art of mime.
- One who copies or mimics others, as for amusement.
- A copy or an imitation.
- Relating to, acting as, resembling, or characteristic of a mimic or mimicry.
- Tending to imitate; imitative.
- Make-believe; mock: a mimic battle.
[From Latin mīmicus, mimic, from Greek mīmikos, from mīmos, imitator, mime.]
mimicker mim'ick·er n.mimicry
NOUN ( plural mimicries)
- 音節
- mim • ic • ry
- 発音
- mímikri
- mimicryの変化形
- mimicries (複数形)
2 模造品[物].biomimicry
- 発音記号[pédl]
1 〈商品を〉売り歩く, 行商する, 小売りする;〈薬を〉不法に売る.
2 〈意見・考え・うわさなどを〉広めよう[ばらまこう]とする.
3 ((米俗))〈衣服・靴などを〉古着屋へ売る((out)).
1 売り歩く, 行商する.
2 つまらないことにこだわる[時間を費やす], こせこせする.
v., -dled, -dling, -dles.
- To travel about selling (wares): peddling goods from door to door.
- To engage in the illicit sale of (narcotics).
- Informal. To seek to disseminate; give out: peddling lies.
- To travel about selling wares.
- To occupy oneself with trifles.

- Food, clothing, or money given to the needy.
- A folder or leaflet circulated free of charge.
- A sheet or sheets of paper containing topical information, distributed to people attending a speech, lecture, or meeting.
- A prepared news or publicity release.
Syllabification: (con·flu·ence)
Pronunciation: /ˈkänˌflo͞oəns, kənˈflo͞oəns/
Definition of confluence
noun- the junction of two rivers, especially rivers of approximately equal width:here at the confluence of the Laramie and North Platte Rivers
late Middle English: from late Latin confluentia, from Latin confluere 'flow together' (see confluent)influence
Syllabification: (in·flu·ence)
Pronunciation: /ˈinflo͝oəns/
Definition of influence
[with object]Phrases
Pronunciation: /ˈhɒthaʊs/
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