2015年1月29日 星期四

thrash, ignominy, hollow, valley, cleave, ball pit, feel a kinship with

"Ah! by Jove! one's duty is to feel what is great, cherish the beautiful, and not accept all the conventions of society with the ignominy that it imposes upon us."
--from MADAME BOVARY by Gustave Flaubert

Because being an adult is rubbish and all anyone really wants to do is thrash around in a soft play area

Last year, China's football team were thrashed 5-1 by a Thai youth team. At home. But China's president wants the country to qualify for, host and win a World Cup. China has now taken a step towards this by announcing that football will be compulsory at schools. By 2017 some 20,000 schools are to receive new football pitches and training facilities, with the aim of creating 100,000 new players http://econ.st/13qQWui

'I feel a kinship with the people patrolling in front of Wall Street'

A. Waley 道經德經



【The Valley Spirit never dies,
It is named the Mysterious Female.】


【 這在另外一版本為

所以A. Waley的翻譯為:
Blank, as a piece of uncarved wood;
Yet receptive as a hollow in the hills.

按:HC在評述 朗 (Ron Chernow)著 《洛克斐勒》(黃裕美,樂為良譯 台北:商周出版 2000)第三頁說:「睡空( Sleepy Hollow) 」是誤譯,『其實Hollow是指"小山谷" 』。】


【He who knows glory, yet cleaves to ignominy
Becomes like a valley that receive into it all things under heaven,
And being such a valley
He has all the time a power that suffices;…】

cleave 2 

Pronunciation: /kliːv/ 


[NO OBJECT] (cleave toliterary
1Stick fast to:Rose’s mouth was dry, her tongue cleaving to the roof of her mouth
1.1Adhere strongly to (a particular pursuit or belief):part of why we cleave to sports is that excellence is so measurable
1.2Become very strongly involved with or emotionally attached to (someone):it was his choice to cleave to the Brownings


Old English cleofianclifianclīfan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch kleven and German kleben, also to clay and climb.


Line breaks: ig¦no|miny
Pronunciation: /ˈɪɡnəmɪni /

Definition of ignominy in English:


Public shame or disgrace:the ignominy of being imprisoned


mid 16th century: from French ignominie or Latinignominia, from in- 'not' + a variant of nomen 'name'.
1 [U]不名誉[面目], 屈辱
bring ignominy to one's family
2 恥ずべきこと[行為], 不名誉なこと.


【To Tao all under heaven will come
As streams and torrents flow into a great river or sea.


【As for the things that from of old have understood the Whole ---
The Sky through such understanding remains limpid,
Earth remains steady,
The spirits keep their holiness,
The abyss is replenished,
The ten thousand creatures bear their kind,
Barons and princes direct their people.】


【"The way out into the light often looks dark,
The way that goes ahead often looks as if it went back."
The way that is least hilly often looks as if it went up and down,
The "power" that is really loftiest looks like an abyss.】


【How did the great rivers and seas get their kinship over the hundred lesser streams?
Through the merit of being lower than they : that is how they got their kingship.】


1 ((文))(…との)親族[血族, 血縁]関係;同族関係((with ...)). ⇒RELATIONSHIP 2
2 [U]((またa 〜))(…との)関連, 共通, 類似((with, between ...))
feel a special kinship with ...


Line breaks: thrash
Pronunciation: /θraʃ /

Definition of thrash in English:


1Beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violentlywith a stick or whip:she thrashed him across the head and shoulders
1.1Hit (something) hard and repeatedly:the wind screeched and the mast thrashed thedeck
2[NO OBJECT] Move in a violent and convulsive way:he lay on the ground thrashing around in pain[WITH OBJECT]: she thrashed her armsattempting toswim
2.1(thrash around) Struggle in a desperate orunfocused way to do something:two months of thrashing around on my own have produced nothing
2.2[NO OBJECT, WITH ADVERBIAL OF DIRECTION] informal Move in a fast or uncontrolled way:wrench the steering wheel back and thrash on up the hill
3informal Defeat heavily in a contest or match:I thrashed Pete at cards[WITH OBJECT AND COMPLEMENT]: Newcastle were thrashed 8-1 by the Czech team


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1[USUALLY IN SINGULAR] A violent or noisy movement of beating or thrashing:the thrash of the waves
1.1informal A fast and exciting motor race or othersporting event:crews assembled in Richmond town square totackle the 120-mile thrash
2British informal party, especially a loud or lavishone:Henry’s charity ball had been one hell of a thrash
3A short, fast, loud piece or passage of rock music:after all those twelve-bar thrashes, my fingers wereblistered
3.1(also thrash metal) [MASS NOUN] A style of fast,loudharsh-sounding rock musiccombiningelements of punk and heavy metal:[AS MODIFIER]: grungy thrash band


Old English, variant of thresh (an early sense). Current senses of the noun date from the mid 19th century.

Phrasal verbs

thrash something out

Discuss something frankly and thoroughly, especially to reach a decision:it is essential that conflicting views are heard and thrashed out
