2015年1月10日 星期六

foie gras, gavage, set someone/thing back, set someone off, beat back, stall, station, engineer, fattening, duck pâté,

"Foie gras hits you in your animal pleasure center with the force of a bullet train and gives you, experientially, a high closer to that of a narcotic than sexual gratification. But you can't argue that that gavage, the force-feeding process which produces the stuff, isn’t torture or, at at minimum, animal cruelty of a most hideous type."

Samantha Gillison: California was right to ban one of the most amazing...

Quotation of the Day: "Frost has his moods, his enemies, the things that set him off. But mostly what you see is a generosity of spirit." – Donald Sheehy, an editor of a sweeping collection of Robert Frost’s correspondence that is said to provide a more balanced portrait of the artist.

Volume of Robert Frost’s Letters Renews Debate About His Character
The first volume in a set of Robert Frost’s correspondence is expected to renew debate about his character, which has taken a hit

There are obvious reasons for watching "Breaking Bad": for once the Hollywood hype surrounding the television series is justified. But there is also a less obvious reason: it is one of the best studies available of the dynamics of modern business. A Harvard MBA will set you back $90,000. You can buy a regular edition of all five seasons of "Breaking Bad" for less than $80 http://econ.st/16OrKbL

(Gen. Powell says he himself has been the victim of invasive photography to the extent that he always uses a stall in the restroom.)

But the bishop also drew laughter when he recalled her direct manner. He recalled that once, as he sat next to Mrs. Thatcher at a function, she grabbed his wrist and 'said very emphatically, 'Don't touch the duck pâté, Bishop─it's very fattening.' '但主教查特斯回憶撒切爾的直率風格時也在賓客中引發了歡笑。他回憶說﹐在一次重大聚會上﹐他坐在撒切爾旁邊﹐她握住他的手腕﹐語重心長地說:“主教﹐別碰鴨肝醬﹐非常容易讓人發胖。”

China’s Transition Stalls Overhaul for Its Economy

China’s Communist Party appears so distracted by its leadership transition that it is not pursuing the bold agenda that may be necessary to prevent severe economic pain.

Germany Stalls Bid to Expand EU Rescue Fund
Germany beat back bids for more expansive approaches to Europe's rescue of its fiscally troubled countries, leaving the euro zone to muddle through in the near term as markets warily watch Portugal and Spain.

It’s Time to Set Up Exchanges
Republican-led states should stop stalling on implementing health care reform now that it is here to stay. 

Federal Funds Called Vital for Many Public Stations

Eliminating federal funds would make 54 public television stations and 76 public radio stations, most in rural areas, likely to close.
Beijing Projects Power in South China Sea
The long-dominant United States and fast-growing China are both seeking to bolster their naval power in the region. 

It is absurd for China to think that any Taiwanese leader would not want to bolster his country’s defenses when Beijing is modernizing its arsenal and stationing more than 1,000 missiles across the Taiwan Strait.

set someone off

cause someone to start doing something, especially laughing or talking: anything will set him off laughingMore example sentences
  • Hunter barely managed to stifle a chuckle, but Brandon was set off into a full laugh.
  • And he starts to laugh, and that sets me off too as I realise what I've just said.
  • He gave a short laugh, which set her off on another stream of uproarious laughter.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[bóulstər]

1 (枕の下に敷く)長枕;(一般に)枕(pillow).
2 枕状の物.
3 (摩擦・重圧をやわらげる)当て物, 受け台;補強材.
1 〈学説などを〉支持する;…を(質的に)強める;〈人を〉元気づける((up))
bolster (up) the soldiers' morale
2 …を枕[物]で支える;補強する.
3 …に詰め物をする.

Investigators Say Train Engineer Sent Text Messages Seconds Before Crash

The engineer of a commuter train in Los Angeles was sending text messages on his cellphone seconds before a crash with a freight train that killed 25 people.


pâ • té
pɑːtéi | pǽtei
pates (複数形)
[名](複 〜s)
1 《フランス料理》パテ:パイ皮.
2 (またpâté de foie gras)

foie gras.
foie gras
fwɑ'ː grɑ'ː

gavage 灌食
Line breaks: gav¦age
Pronunciation: /ɡaˈvɑːʒ 

Definition of gavage in English:


The administration of food or drugs by force, especially to an animal, typically through a tubeleading down the throat to the stomach.


late 19th century: French, from gaver 'force-feed', from a base meaning 'throat'.


tr.v., -tioned, -tion·ing, -tions.
To assign to a position; post.


━━ n. 工学家, 技術者, 技師; (機械などの)設計[製作]者; 〔米〕 機関手; 【陸軍】工兵; 【海軍】機関将校; 巧妙な処理者[管理者].
━━ v. 設計[監督]する; 巧みに処理する, 工作する.
en・gi・neer・ing ━━ n. 工学, 技術; 機関術[学]; (土木)工事; 裏工作.
engineering work-station 【コンピュータ】エンジニアリング・ワークステーション ((略 EWS)).

set someone/thing back

  • 1delay or impede the progress of someone or something:this incident undoubtedly set back research
2 informal (of a purchase) cost someone a particular amount of money:that must have set you back a bit


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[stéiʃən]

1 駅, 停車場(((米))depot);停留所, 発着所;駅の建物
a train [((英))a railway, ((米))a railroad] station
a freight station
get out at the next station
a poorly roofed station
2 地域本部, 署, 局;事業所. ▼施設のこと;機構についてはChicago Police Departmentのようにdepartmentを用いる
a postal station
((英))郵便局(((米))post office
a polling station
a nuclear station
a hydraulic [a thermal] station
3 放送スタジオ[室], 放送局;電波周波数
a local station
getpick up] a station
4 場所, (定)位置, 部署;(給仕人などの)受け持ち範囲
take up one's station
keep one's station
5 [U][C]((古風))社会的地位, 身分, (職制などの)階級, 役目
a man of humble station
above one's station
marry beneath one's station
6 《軍事》定位置, 警備区域, 部署;(半永久的な)駐屯(ちゅうとん)地;(艦船・艦隊などの)根拠地, 停泊所
be at action stations
7 ((豪))(特に羊の)大牧場.
8 《生物》(特)産地, 定住地.
9 《測量》測点, 3角点.
━━[動](他)((通例受身))…を配置する, 置く, 駐在させる((at ...))
Police have been stationed around the scene of the accident.
[ラテン語statiōn (stāre立つ+-tus過去分詞語尾+-ION=立っていること). △STAND, STALL1, STABLE1


(stôl) pronunciation
  1. A compartment for one domestic animal in a barn or shed.
    1. A booth, cubicle, or stand used by a vendor, as at a market.
    2. A small compartment: a shower stall.
    1. An enclosed seat in the chancel of a church.
    2. A pew in a church.
  2. Chiefly British. A seat in the front part of a theater.
  3. A space marked off, as in a garage, for parking a motor vehicle.
  4. A protective sheath for a finger or toe.
  5. The sudden, unintended loss of power or effectiveness in an engine.
  6. A condition in which an aircraft or airfoil experiences an interruption of airflow resulting in loss of lift and a tendency to drop.

v., stalled, stall·ing, stalls. v.tr.
  1. To put or lodge in a stall.
  2. To maintain in a stall for fattening: to stall cattle.
  3. To halt the motion or progress of; bring to a standstill.
  4. To cause (a motor or motor vehicle) accidentally to stop running.
  5. To cause (an aircraft) to go into a stall.
  1. To live or be lodged in a stall. Used of an animal.
  2. To stick fast in mud or snow.
  3. To come to a standstill: Negotiations stalled.
  4. To stop running as a result of mechanical failure: The car stalled on the freeway.
  5. To lose forward flying speed, causing a stall. Used of an aircraft.
[Middle English stalle, from Old English steall, standing place, stable.]



(of a foodstuff) liable to make a person overweight.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[stɔ'ːl]

1 (馬屋・牛舎などの1頭用の)一仕切り;((〜s))馬屋, 家畜小屋
He led the horse back into the stall.
2 ((しばしば複合語))((主に英))売店, 商品陳列台
a newspaper stall
3 (エンジン・車の)失速, エンスト;《航空》失速.
4 個室;小区画;(会社・駅などのトイレの)大便用の1区画;(駐車場などの)一区画
a shower stall
5 ((the 〜s))((英・豪))劇場の一階舞台前の特別席(⇒ORCHESTRA 2).
7 教会内陣の聖職者席, 共唱祈祷(きとう)
a choir stall
8 ストール, 指サック.
9 ((米俗))(2人以上のスリのうち)被害者の注意をそらす係. ▼実際に盗む人間はhook.
1 〈車・エンジンに〉エンストを起こさせる, 失速させる;〈飛行機を〉失速させる.
2 〈馬・車などを〉立ち往生させる;…を行き詰まらせる
reopen the stalled talks
Her car was stalled in the snow.
3 〈家畜を〉畜舎に入れる;〈牛を〉(太らせるために)牛舎に閉じ込める.
4 〈畜舎に〉仕切りをする.
1 〈エンジン・車などが〉止まる;〈航空機が〉失速する((out))
The car stalled completely.
2 行き詰まる;((米))〈馬・車などが〉立ち往生する((out)).
3 〈家畜が〉畜舎にはいっている.
[古英語steall. ラテン語stabulum(馬小屋)と同系. △STABLE1, STEAD, STILL1

beat back
Force to retreat or withdraw, as in His findings beat back all their arguments to the contrary. This phrase was often used in a military context (and still is), as in Their armies were beaten back. [Late 1500s]


Pronunciation: /stɔːl/
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Definition of stall


  • 1a stand, booth, or compartment for the sale of goods in a market or large covered area:fruit and vegetable stalls
  • 2an individual compartment for an animal in a stable or cowshed, enclosed on three sides.
  • a stable or cowshed.
  • North American a marked-out parking space for a vehicle: a parking stall
  • (also starting stall) a cage-like compartment in which a horse is held immediately prior to the start of a race.
  • a compartment for one person in a set of toilets, shower cubicles, etc..
  • 3a fixed seat in the choir or chancel of a church, enclosed at the back and sides and often canopied, typically reserved for a particular member of the clergy.
  • 4 (stalls) British the seats on the ground floor in a theatre: [as modifier]:a stalls seat
  • 5an instance of an engine, vehicle, aircraft, or boat stalling: speed must be maintained to avoid a stall and loss of control


  • 1 [no object] (of a motor vehicle or its engine) stop running, typically because of an overload on the engine:her car stalled at the crossroads
  • (of an aircraft) stop flying and begin to fall because the speed is too low or the angle of attack too large to maintain adequate lift.
  • Sailing have insufficient wind power in the sails to give controlled motion.
  • [with object] cause to stall.
  • 2stop or cause to stop making progress: [no object]:his career had stalled, hers taken off [with object]:the government has stalled the much-needed project
  • 3 [no object] speak or act in a deliberately vague way in order to gain more time to deal with something; prevaricate:she was stalling for time
  • [with object] delay or divert (someone) by prevarication:stall him until I’ve had time to take a look
  • 4 [with object] put or keep (an animal) in a stall, especially in order to fatten it: the horses were stalled at Upper Bolney Farm


set out one's stall

British display or assert one’s abilities or position:he has set out his stall as a strong supporter of free trade


Old English steall 'stable or cattle shed', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stal, also to stand. Early senses of the verb included 'reside, dwell' and 'bring to a halt'


  • 発音記号[stɔ'ːl]

((略式))[名](引き延ばしの)口実, 言いのがれ, ごまかし.
━━[動](自)(口実をもうけて)時間かせぎをする;言いのがれる, ごまかす
stall for time
━━(他)〈人を〉足止めさせる;(準備が整うまで)〈事を〉遅らせる;〈交渉などを〉(口実をもうけて)引き延ばす;…を避ける, ごまかす((off))
stall one's enemy
