2015年1月14日 星期三

amalgam, amalgamate, (shoe-leather) journalism, commix,

If this seems like an amalgam of two entirely different genres, that’s because “Wild” is a genre-defying, opaquely beautiful film

Portuguese journalists unite in face of job cuts

In crisis-hit Portugal, the media sector is taking as much of a battering
as any other, with record job losses this year so far. What does this mean
for the future and quality of journalism in Portugal?
Sim Chi Yin for The New York Times

After Crash, Blogs Erode China Censorship

China’s microblogs posted an astounding 26 million messages on the high-speed train crash, an amalgam of contempt, suspicion and shoe-leather journalism.

Incidentally, 'fisticuffs' is another two-word term from around the same date that was later amalgamated into a single word. A cuff was a blow with the open hand. A fisty cuff was a cuff using the fist, i.e. a punch. 

(verb) To bring or combine together or with something else.
Synonyms:amalgamate, mingle, unify
Usage:Chef Gordon is famous for his ability to commix unusual ingredients and create tasty, original dishes from them.


  • 発音記号[dʒə'ːrnəlìzm]

1 ジャーナリズム, 報道業(界);((集合的))新聞雑誌
entergo into] journalism
新聞界にはいる, 新聞記者になる.
2 (大学の)新聞学科.
3 (学術論文などと区別して)雑文, 俗受けする文章.
Shoe-leather reporting is a type of reporting that was exemplified by Robert Novak. The Drudge Report ran an alert banner at the top of the page with the headline, “LAST OF THE GREAT SHOE-LEATHER REPORTERS” with the picture of a young Bob Novak on the street.
The term engenders visions of "pounding the pavement" in search of the truth; digging for the Pulitzer Prize story of the year.
One reporter said, “[Our] reporting hasn't changed. I don't think it ever will. It's basic shoe leather reporting, hunting down sources and documents and confirming authenticity. That's always been [paramount].”[1] Others feel that ‘old-fashioned’ reliable reporting is fading fast.[2]

(ə-măl'gəm) pronunciation
  1. Any of various alloys of mercury with other metals, especially:
    1. An alloy of mercury and silver used in dental fillings.
    2. An alloy of mercury and tin used in silvering mirrors.
  2. A combination of diverse elements; a mixture: an amalgam of strength, reputation, and commitment to ethical principles. See synonyms at mixture.
[Middle English, from Old French amalgame, from Medieval Latin amalgama, probably ultimately from Greek malagma, soft mass.]
  • [əmǽlgəm]
1 [U][C]アマルガム:水銀と他の金属との合金.
2 ((形式))混合物, 結合物
a strange amalgam of Japanese and Western traditions

(ə-măl'gə-māt') pronunciation

v., -mat·ed, -mat·ing, -mates. v.tr.
  1. To combine into a unified or integrated whole; unite. See synonyms at mix.
  2. To mix or alloy (a metal) with mercury.
  1. To become combined; unite.
  2. To unite or blend with another metal.
amalgamative a·mal'ga·ma'tive adj.
amalgamator a·mal'ga·ma'tor n.

  • [əmǽlgəmèit]
1 〈種族・思想などを〉混和[融合]する;〈会社・事業などを〉(…と;…に)合体する((with ...;into ...))
amalgamate three businesses
2 《冶金》…をアマルガムにする.
1 融合[混合]する;合同[併合]する
The two steel companies amalgamated to form one big one.
2 アマルガムになる.
