Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the merry-go-round away from children and return it to Toys R Us for a full refund, or contact Pacific Cycle to receive a free retrofit kit.
'In the Shadow of the Banyan'
Vaddey Ratner's first novel, which parallels her own life, tells of a little girl's struggle under the Khmer Rouge.
Dissent in the Jobs Council
Labor representatives are rightly pushing back against a Republican-oriented agenda of less regulation and lower corporate tax rates.
There Is No Alternative: Why Margaret Thatcher Matters - Wikipedia ...
... "there is no alternative" to it as an economic system, and that neoliberalism
must push back against socialism. The phrase became something of a rallying
cry ...
... "there is no alternative" to it as an economic system, and that neoliberalism
must push back against socialism. The phrase became something of a rallying
cry ...
The name was originally given to F. benghalensis and comes from India where early travellers observed that the shade of the tree was frequented by banias or Indian traders.[7]In the Gujarati language, banya means "grocer/merchant," not "tree." The Portuguese picked up the word to refer specifically to Hindu merchants and passed it along to the English as early as 1599 with the same meaning. By 1634, English writers began to tell of the banyan tree, a tree under which Hindu merchants would conduct their business. The tree provided a shaded place for a village meeting or for merchants to sell their goods. Eventually "banyan" became the name of the tree itself.
科學分類孟加拉榕(學名:Ficus benghalensis)為桑科榕屬的植物,原產於印度。樹高十至十五米,樹葉呈長橢圓形,葉端為尖狀。枝葉繁茂,向四方蔓生。
孟加拉榕在佛經稱為尼拘樹(梵語 nyag-rodha,巴利語 nigrodha),又譯尼拘陀樹、尼拘屢陀樹、尼拘律樹、尼俱盧陀樹等,現代漢語的近似音譯應為尼哿侯特。因樹形高大但種子細小,故佛典常用來比喻由小因而得大果報者。《大乘無量壽莊嚴清淨平等覺經》中,以「如尼拘樹,覆蔭大故」來比喻極樂世界菩薩的廣大智慧。《慧琳音義》卷十五解釋為(大五四·四〇二上):『此樹端直無節,圓滿可愛,去地三丈余,方有枝葉,其子微細如柳花子。唐國無此樹,言是柳樹者,非也。』
About Banyan
Analysis of Asian politics and culture, from our
Banyan columnist and other correspondents. Named for a tree whose
branches have sheltered great ideas
dim sum
(dĭm' sʊm', sŭm')
A traditional Chinese cuisine in which small portions of a variety of foods, including an assortment of steamed or fried dumplings, are served in succession.[Chinese (Cantonese) tímsam, light refreshments, equivalent to Chinese (Mandarin) diѡn, spot, drop + Chinese (Mandarin) xīn, heart.]
The United States and Taiwan
Dim sum for China
Why America should not walk away from Taiwan
Sep 24th 2011 | from the print edition
That support seems to be wobbling. This week Barack Obama agreed to refurbish Taiwan’s ageing fleet of F-16 fighter jets (see article), but Chinese objections made the deal less advantageous than it would have been. Meanwhile, a small but influential chorus of academics and policymakers is arguing that these should be America’s last arms sales to Taiwan.
What has changed to justify this shift? Little in Taiwan itself. These days the country is a thriving democracy, worthier of support than the dictatorship it was when American backing was rock solid. Nor does Taiwan look better able to defend itself. The main shift in the military balance across the Taiwan Strait in recent years has been a massive one in China’s favour. More than 1,000 missiles on its eastern seaboard now point at Taiwan, and China’s navy and air force have hugely expanded. Refitting the old F-16s is a token gesture, and China knows it.
Turning a paler shade of green
Two main arguments are made in America to justify abandoning Taiwan. The first is that its ally is now a strategic liability. Under the “blue” (KMT) president, Ma Ying-jeou, cross-straits relations are better than they have ever been. But the “green” opposition is more nationalistic. The fear is that one day Taiwan will make a formal declaration of independence. China says it will respond to that with force. Some in America fret that in backing Taiwan, the United States risks being dragged into conflict, even nuclear war.
How realistic is that fear? Under the previous green president, Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan’s relations with both China and America plumbed new lows. Mr Chen’s successor as leader of the greens, Tsai Ing-wen, is running against Mr Ma in the presidential election in January. But she is a lot more moderate than Mr Chen, and the provocateurs who want to declare formal independence are mainly old and fading. Younger green politicians may be nationalistic, but they seem more pragmatic and understand the imperative of American support.
The second argument is that, even if it never came to war, Taiwan would still be an obstacle to better Sino-American relations. Give China what it wants, runs this line of thinking, and it will co-operate more on a host of issues ranging from nuclear proliferation to climate change. Rather than provoking China by arming Taiwan and patrolling the seas, it would be better to placate it, and throw it the morsel of Taiwan.
But to walk away from Taiwan would in effect mean ceding to China the terms of unification. Over the long run, that will not improve Sino-American relations. Five thousand years of Chinese diplomatic history suggest it is more likely to respect a strong state than a weak and vacillating one. Appeasement would also probably increase China’s appetite for regional domination. Its “core interests” in the area seem to be growing. To Chinese military planners, Taiwan is a potential base from which to push out into the Pacific. At minimum, that would unsettle Japan to the north and the Philippines to the south.
Strong American backing for Taiwan has served the region well so far. It has improved, rather than damaged, cross-straits relations, for Mr Ma would never have felt able to open up to China without it, and it has been the foundation for half a century of peace and security throughout East Asia (see Banyan). To abandon Taiwan now would bring out the worst in China, and lead the region’s democracies to worry that America might be willing to let them swing too. That is why, as long as China insists on the right to use force in Taiwan, America should continue to support the island.
━━ n. 給与; 手当; …費; 〔米〕 小づかい; 許容; 差引; 値引き(額); 控除(額); 酌量; 【会計】引当金; (休憩や不可避の遅れを見越した)余裕時間.
- The act of allowing.
- An amount that is allowed or granted: consumed my weekly allowance of two eggs.
- Something, such as money, given at regular intervals or for a specific purpose: a travel allowance that covers hotel bills.
- A price reduction, especially one granted in exchange for used merchandise: The dealer gave us an allowance on our old car.
- A consideration for possibilities or modifying circumstances: an allowance for breakage; made allowances for rush-hour traffic in estimating travel time.
- An allowed difference in dimension of closely mating machine parts.
- To put on a fixed allowance: cut expenses by strictly allowancing the sales representatives.
- To dispense in fixed quantities; ration.
Definition of retrofit in English:
VERB ( retrofits, retrofitting, retrofitted)
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1An act of retrofitting a component or accessory:uninsulated and oddly designed dream houses that are badly in need of a retrofit