2015年1月13日 星期二

studentship, up for grabs,cough up, hammering, hemming and hawing

University of Essex Sociology DepartmentEconomics at University of Essex students - time to think about a PhD with ISER and the ESRC's fully-funded studentships up for grabs...

November 2 is election day in the United States. As expected, the economy is the dominant issue in the 435 House of Representative and 37 Senate races as well as for the 37 governorships up for grabs. Pollsters have identified anxiety over China’s rise and anger over outsourcing as buttons they can push to mobilize voters. In many states, candidates are hammering their opponents with charges that they have facilitated the movement of jobs to China.

hemming and hawing
hem2 (hĕm) pronunciation
A short cough or clearing of the throat made especially to gain attention, warn another, hide embarrassment, or fill a pause in speech.

intr.v., hemmed, hem·ming, hems.
  1. To utter a hem.
  2. To hesitate in speech.
hem and haw
  1. To be hesitant and indecisive; equivocate: "a leader who cannot make up his or her mind, never knows what to do, hems and haws" (Margaret Thatcher).
[From Middle English heminge, coughing, of imitative origin.]

up for grabs

informal Available:a £1 million jackpot is up for grabs
cough up

United States
In the US a studentship is similar to a scholarship but involves summer work on a research project. The amount paid to the recipient is normally tax-free, but the recipient is required to fulfill work requirements. Types of studentships vary among universities and countries. Studentships are sometimes known as teaching and research assistantships. Studentships are almost exclusively awarded to research students, preferably at the Ph.D. level.
United Kingdom

In the UK, a 'studentship' is a common name for a PhD scholarship. At Christ Church, Oxford, however, the term Studentship has the same meaning as the term Fellowship has at other colleges, i.e. the office of a Student or the duration thereof, or the Studentscollectively.
