herbarium (臺大)植物標本館
梅克西亞(Ynes Mexia, 1870-1938)是20世紀最著名的探險家之一,她為美國哈佛大學「格雷植物標本館」(Gray Herbarium)收集15萬種植物標本,發現超過50種的新物種,在近代科學史上被稱為收集最多標本的植物學家。在這顯赫成就的背後,是她多年的憂鬱。
The Monterey Bay Aquarium in Monterey, Calif., uses traditional and nontraditional elements in a campaign aimed at raising its profile.
New ads for the Monterey Bay Aquarium in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency San Francisco at Embarcadero Center.
Modern Painters Part Three - Google 圖書結果
John Ruskin - 2005 - Art - 380 頁As the grass of the earth, thought of as the herb yielding seed, leads us to the ... a third family of plants, and fulfils a third office to the human race. ...
Dining on the terrace of the Bistrot Victoires, where the décor is just as classic as the food. Order the grilled rib-eye (11 euros), topped with burning thyme, and the crème brûlée (5 euros).
noun [C]
1 a successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficulty:
an effective herbal remedy for headaches
The best remedy for grief is hard work.
2 LEGAL legal remedy a way of solving a problem or instructing someone to make a payment for harm or damage they have caused, using a decision made in a court of law:
We have exhausted all possible legal remedies for this injustice.
remedy Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to do something to correct or improve something that is wrong:
This mistake must be remedied immediately.
remedial Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
1 describes an action which is intended to correct something that is wrong or to improve a bad situation:
to take urgent/immediate remedial action
The bill requires owners to undertake remedial work on dilapidated buildings.
2 describes exercises which are intended to improve someone's health when they are illTry a tonic from a reputable herbal remedist
noun [C]
a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavour to particular dishes, or which are used in making medicine:
dried/fresh herbs
Basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary are all herbs.
A large range of herbs and spices are used in Indian cookery.
relating to or made from herbs:
herbal tea
herbal cigarettes/remedies
herbalist Show phonetics
noun [C]
a person who grows or sells herbs for use as medicine
herby Show phonetics
adjective INFORMAL
tasting or smelling of herbs:
This salad dressing is nice and herby.
━━ n. 草; 薬草; 香味用の植物.

━━ n. 草本類; ((集合的)) 牧草; 【法】放牧権.
━━ a., n. 草の, 草本の; 草本書, 植物誌.
herb・al・ist n. 薬草商; 〔古風〕 植物学者.
herb・al medicine 漢方療法.
herb・y ━━ a. 草のような; 草の生い茂った.
herb・al・ist n. 薬草商; 〔古風〕 植物学者.
herb・al medicine 漢方療法.
October 15, 2007, 5:03 pm
Unlocking the Benefits of Garlic
n. - 麝香草屬植物, 百里香 Wikipedia article "Thyme".
n., pl., -i·ums, or -i·a (-ē-ə).
- A tank, bowl, or other water-filled enclosure in which living fish or other aquatic animals and plants are kept.
- A place for the public exhibition of live aquatic animals and plants.
[Latin aquārium, source of water, from neuter of aquārius, of water, from aqua, water.]
n., pl., -i·ums, or -i·a (-ē-ə).
- A collection of dried plants mounted, labeled, and systematically arranged for use in scientific study.
- A place or institution where such a collection is kept.
[Late Latin herbārium, from Latin herbārius, one skilled in herbs, from Latin herba, herb, vegetation.]
- 発音記号[əːrbéəriəm | həː-]
[名](複〜s, -i・a 〔-i
1 植物標本集.
2 植物標本室[館].
[ラテン語herbārium (herba草+-arium=草に関する場所). △AQUARIUM, ARBOR1]-arium
Pronunciation: /ˈɛːrɪəm/
By the 18th century, almost every town had a tannery business. In the 19th century, hunters began bringing their trophies to upholstery shops, where the upholsterers would actually sew up the animal skins and stuff them with rags and cotton. The term "stuffing" or a "stuffed animal" evolved from this crude form of taxidermy. Professional taxidermists prefer the term "mounting" to "stuffing".
Taxidermy (from the Greek for arrangement of skin[1]) is the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals (especially vertebrates) for display (e.g., as hunting trophies) or for other sources of study. Taxidermy can be done on all vertebrate species of animals, including mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.