A napping infant is busy learning and memorizing, a new study suggests.
A polydactyl cat is a cat with a congenital physical anomaly called polydactyly (or polydactylism, also known as hyperdactyly), a type of cat body type genetic mutation that causes the cat to be born with more than the usual number of toes on one or more of its paws. Cats with this genetically inherited trait are most commonly found along the East Coast of North America (in the United States and Canada) and in South West England and Wales.
Nicknames for polydactyl cats include "boxing cats", "mitten cats", "mitten-foot cats", "snowshoe cats", "thumb cats", "six-fingered cats", "Cardi-cats", "Hemingway cats", and "double-pawed cats." Two specific breeds recognized by some but not all cat fancier clubs are the American Polydactyl and Maine Coon Polydactyl, and named regional populations include the Boston thumb cat, Cardi-cat, Ithacat, and Vermont snowshoe cat.
One of the polydactyl cats at the Ernest Hemingway House in Key West, Florida. This particular cat has 26 toes, two extra on each paw.
《中英對照讀新聞》Cat with 26 toes to foot the bill for animal rescue center’s new home 26趾貓要為動物救援中心新家出錢
The ginger-and-white tabby cat Daniel has 26 toes – two extra toes on each foot.
With his freaky feet, this cute tom is helping Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center raise their profile, and the money they need to buy a new home due to a rent increase. They are seeking small donations of $26 – or $1 per toe.
Daniel’s condition is called polydactylism and cats like this are often given nicknames including "boxing cats", "mitten cats", and "Hemingway cats." His 26 toes are only two shy of the Guinness world record.
丹尼爾的情況稱為「多指畸形症」,像這樣的貓常被暱稱為「拳擊貓」、「(拳擊 HC加 )手套貓」和「海明威貓」等。他的26根趾頭只比金氏世界紀錄最多趾貓少2根。
Animal Rescue Center tends to adopt cats that would otherwise be euthanized. Amy Rowell, owner of the center believes this cat was brought to her by fate.
She found Daniel at animal control when she went to pick up another cat. As she bent down to that cat’s cage, Daniel stuck his paw out and poked her head.
"He was very clearly saying, ’I need to be rescued,’" she said, "and when a sign is that obvious, we tend to not ignore it."
foot the bill (for):片語,買單。例句:The company will foot the bill for our department’s dinner.(我們部門聚餐費用將由公司出錢。)
profile: 名詞,外形、形象、一個人的生平簡介;動詞,描繪輪廓、概要描述。例句:Foreign tourists are advised to keep a low profile in this conservative country.(建議外國觀光客在這個保守的國家保持低調。)
otherwise:副詞或連接詞,要不然、否則、除此之外;形容詞,不同的(情況)。例句:She is a bit emotional, but otherwise perfect.(她除了有點情緒化外,都很完美。)
(usually mittens)1: Handcuffs. (1598 —) .
2: Boxing gloves. (1859 —) .
[From the earlier sense, type of glove.]
also pol·y·dac·ty·lous (-tə-ləs) Biology.
Having more than the normal number of digits.
A person or an animal having more than the normal number of digits.
polydactylism pol'y·dac'tyl·ism or pol'y·dac'ty·ly n.
Having more than the normal number of digits.
A person or an animal having more than the normal number of digits.
polydactylism pol'y·dac'tyl·ism or pol'y·dac'ty·ly n.
BIRDS in the new millennium
