Drucker 先生很會就近取喻,譬如說,
The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society
Peter F. Drucker - 2013 - Social Science
... advertisement in the New York subways. It showed a husky teenager with the legend: “Boy, that's what they'll call you all your life if you drop out of school now." (p.329)
was a lot of effort to set up. Because we are going through a reindeer
area we had to check with the owners so we don't disturb them, and we
had to get permission from the defence services to be able to take the
huskies right onto the runway without affecting security at the airport"
《中英對照讀新聞》Men in heels march for anti-rape message 男子漢穿高跟鞋遊行 傳達反性侵訊息
A few dozen men seeking to raise awareness for sexual assault violence against women tried to walk a mile in their shoes Friday - literally.
Among the participants - some burly and others bearded - in the fourth annual "Walk a Mile in her Shoes" event at the University of Alaska Anchorage was the head of Alaska State Troopers, Col. Keith Mallard, who slipped out of one of his red suede peep-toe shoes during the walk.
"I had a blowout," Mallard said sheepishly. "It didn’t hinder my progress any. I just had to pull to the side and get a tire change."
The men teetered precariously along the mile-long route, trying to raise money for a local nonprofit that supports sexual assault victims. Donations to Standing Together Against Rape will go toward banishing sexual assaults and other acts of violence against women.
be in somebody’s shoes:慣用語,日常/ 非正式用法,置身於他人的相同處境,特別是不愉快的處境。字面意義為穿某人的鞋。例句:If I were in your shoes, I’d make him apologize to me immediately.(我要是遇到像你這樣的情況,我會要他馬上跟我道歉。)
literally:副詞,字面意義的。但也被當作真的、 正確地。例句:There are people in the world who literally do not know how to use a washing machine.(這世界上還真的有人連洗衣機也不會用咧。)
sheepishly:副詞,不好意思地,膽怯地。例句:She sheepishly asked him for a favor.(她怯生生地要求他幫個忙。)
(bûr'lē) adj., -li·er, -li·est.
Heavy, strong, and muscular; husky. See synonyms at muscular.
[Middle English burlich, from Old English *borlic, excellent.]
MeaningIn a position facing another. Literally 'face to face'. Often now used in the sense of 'in relation to'.
The term is French and began to be used in English in the mid 18th century. The French spelling is vis-à-vis, i.e. with the grave accent, although that is often omitted when written in English. It is now frequently printed, no doubt to French shrugs and mutterings, as 'vis-a-vis' or even 'viz-a-viz'.When 'vis-à-vis' was introduced into England it was provided with two distinct meanings, both of which were in use from the 1750s onward. Oddly, it seems that these were both introduced by the author and politician Horace Walpole.
The first meaning was the literal translation from the French, i.e. 'face-to-face'. Walpole was an incurable letter writer and, fortunately for us, many of his letters have been published in a collection of books, which provides the first citation we have of the term in English, in Letter to George Montague, July 1753:
"He was walking slowly in the beau milieu of Brentford town, without any company, but with a brown lap-dog with long ears, two pointers, two pages, three footmen, and a vis-a-vis following him."
The meaning was extended to apply to any person or thing that was facing another, for example, one's dance partner, someone sitting across the table at mealtime, couples meeting in the street, etc. Mary Berry included a citation of the first of these in Social life in England and France from 1780 to 1830, 1831:
It seems perfectly indifferent to them [the peasant men and women dancing] who is their vis-à-vis.Secondly, it meant 'with regard to'/'in relation to'. Horace Walpole again, in Letter to R. Bentley, November 1755:
"What a figure would they make vis-à-vis his manly vivacity and dashing eloquence."It is this second meaning that we have held on to. We can now safety substitute 'with regard to' for 'vis-a-vis' with little fear of misinterpretation.
- husky
- [形](-i・er, -i・est)1 〈声が〉しゃがれた.2 殻[皮]の;殻のような, 内容のない.husk・i・ly[副]husk・i・ness[名]
- husky
- [名]((米略式))大柄でたくましい人.━━[形](-i・er, -i・est)大きく強い.
- husky
- [名](複 -ies)1 エスキモー犬(Eskimo dog).2 ((H-))イヌイット人;[U]イヌイット語.
Syllabification: husk·y
Pronunciation: /ˈhəskē/
adjective (huskier, huskiest)