2015年11月18日 星期三

gratifying, "gratified", cadre, spit out

Meet the four expat college graduates hired by Foshan as advisers. The prosperous metropolis of 7m in China's southern Guangdong province is trying to boost its fortunes amid slowing economic growth. The young cadres are keen to stress they are more than just a gimmick.

Every year art schools across the country spit out thousands of groomed-for-success graduates, whose job it is to supply galleries and auction houses with desirable retail. They are backed up by cadres of public relations specialists — otherwise known as critics, curators, editors, publishers and career theorists — who provide timely updates on what desirable means.

A proposal by a cadre of Huntsman shareholders to provide at least $500 million in financing to help close the sale of the company to Apollo Management's Hexion Specialty Chemicals was rejected on Thursday by Hexion; Huntsman said it was "gratified" by the offer.

Go to Article from The New York Times»

這 "gratified"當然是客氣話而已....


spit (FORCE OUT)
verb spitting, spat or US ALSO spit, spat or US ALSO spit
1 [I or T] to force out the contents of the mouth, especially saliva:
Bob Ewell spat contemptuously right in the lawyer's face.
He spat the meat out in disgust.
They bought watermelons and ate them as they walked, spitting out the seeds.

2 [I or T] LITERARY to say or shout words quickly and angrily:
[+ speech] 'Get out!' she spat, when Ace appeared in the doorway.

3 [I] If something hot, such as a fire, spits, it produces short sharp noises and throws out little bits.

saliva, especially when it is outside the mouth:
She used a little spit on a tissue to wipe the mirror clean.

Show phonetics
verb [T]
to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need:
We were gratified by the response to our appeal.
[+ to infinitive] He was gratified to see how well his students had done.

gratification Show phonetics
noun [U]
sexual gratification
Some people expect instant gratification (= to get what they want immediately).

gratifying Show phonetics
adjective ━━ a. 満足させる, うれしい.
[+ to infinitive] It must be very gratifying to see all your children grown up and happy.
“The kids were so eager to learn,” she said. “They were so excited. It’s not like you come and have to make them do stuff.” She also said their enthusiasm for the orchestra was gratifying. “For them it’s a big, huge name, and they have a great respect for classical music.”

gratifyingly Show phonetics
The success rate in the exam was gratifyingly high.

tr.v., -fied, -fy·ing, -fies.
  1. To please or satisfy: His achievement gratified his father. See synonyms at please.
  2. To give what is desired to; indulge: gratified her curiosity.
  3. Archaic. To reward.
[Middle English gratifien, to favor, from Latin grātificārī : grātus, pleasing + -ficārī, -fy.]
gratifier grat'i·fi'er n.
gratifying grat'i·fy'ing adj.
gratifyingly grat'i·fy'ing·ly adv.

group noun [C]
a small group of trained people who form the basic unit of a military, political or business organization

noun [C]
a member of such a group
