These countersunk washers were designed with functionality in mind, but they'll also lend a nice visual pop to your work:
a good wash
Time for a good wash
Time for a good wash
Yet the buffers may be the best place for Japan. Or rather, a general election—perhaps a string of elections—offers the best chance of forcing parties to confront their inconsistencies, offering voters real choices rather than candidates who compete to bring home the bacon.
然而缓冲是日本最好的选择。更准确的说是举行大选—也许一系列选举—才是迫使政党直面自身矛盾,还选民真正选择权(而不是什么只会假公济私的候选人)的最佳时机。 JapainFeb 21st 2008
From The Economist print edition
Time for a good wash
但,可惜的是,Time for a good wash又翻譯成
沒能點出wash 與涸的關連
可是又怪怪的 "
- enlarge and bevel the rim of (a drilled hole) so that a screw, nail, or bolt can be inserted flush with the surface."drill and countersink the hole for mounting the ladder to the wall"
- drive (a screw, nail, or bolt) into a countersunk hole."countersunk screw heads"
- 1.a person or device that washes something."a glass washer"
- 2.a small flat metal, rubber, or plastic ring fixed between two joining surfaces or between a nut and a bolt to spread the pressure or act as a spacer or seal.
1 [T] to clean something using water:
wash your hair/hands
wash the car/clothes/floor
These sheets need washing.
I'll wash the bottle out (= clean its inside) and use it again.
2 [I] (US ALSO wash up) to clean yourself, or a part of yourself, with water and usually soap:
I'd like to wash before dinner.
a wash noun [S]
when you wash something or a part of your body:
Those curtains need a good (= careful) wash.
Erik needed a good wash after playing in the garden all day.
the wash noun [S]
1 all the clothes, sheets, etc. that are washed together, especially in a washing machine:
Can I put this shirt in (with) the white wash?
"Where's my pink shirt?" "It's in the wash" (= being washed or in a pile of clothes that is going to be washed).
2 US FOR washing
washable Show phonetics
able to be washed in a washing machine without being damaged:
I never buy clothes that aren't machine-washable.
washer Show phonetics
noun [C]
a washing machine
washing Show phonetics
noun [U]
1 (US ALSO the wash) the act of washing clothes:
Doing the washing is such a bore!
2 (US ALSO wash) clothes, sheets, etc. that need to be or have just been washed:
I do the washing and then I hang/peg it out in the garden.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
have a wash
to wash your body or a part of it:
I need to have a wash before a wash
to clean clothes, sheets, etc., usually in a washing machine:
Are you doing a wash tonight?
noun [C]衣類洗淨兼乾燥機
a large electric machine for washing and drying clothes
我跟David Hsu 說"大中國" 英文應為 Greater China
高等教育(大學和以上) 為 higher education
1. [AS. -ere; akin to L. -arius.]
The termination of many English words, denoting the agent; -- applied either to men or things; as in hater, farmer, heater, grater. At the end of names of places, -er signifies a man of the place; as, Londoner, i. e., London man.
2. A suffix used to form the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs; as, warmer, sooner, lat(e)er, earl(y)ier.
-er was found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.suffix (ALSO -or)
added to some verbs to form nouns which refer to people or things that do that particular activity:
a singer (= a person who sings)
a swimmer (= a person who swims)
a dishwasher (= a machine or person that washes dishes)
an actor (= a person who acts)
added to the names of particular subjects to form nouns which refer to people who have knowledge about or are studying that subject:
a philosopher (= a person who knows about/studies philosophy)
an astronomer (= a person who knows about/studies astronomy)
-er (FROM A PLACE) Show phonetics
added to the names of particular places to form nouns referring to people who come from those places:
a Londoner (= a person who comes from London)
a northerner (= a person who comes from the north)
-er (INVOLVED WITH) Show phonetics
added to nouns or adjectives to form nouns referring to people who are connected or involved with that particular thing:
a pensioner (= a person who receives a
first graders (= children who are in the first
- -er (CHARACTERISTICS) Show phonetics
added to nouns to form nouns or adjectives referring to people or things which have those particular characteristics:
a double-decker (= a bus with twodecks )
a big-spender (= someone who spends a lot of money)