2015年11月17日 星期二

dressing, porthole, window dressing, French dressing

SAN FRANCISCO — The browser, that porthole onto the broad horizon of the Web, is about to get some fancy new window dressing.

英國巴斯大學(Bath University)的科學家研發了一種傷口敷料,如果測到傷口出現感染,將會改變顏色,這將避免不必要的使用抗生素。

French dressing

拌醬並沒啥特殊之處,就是一般的農場拌醬 ranch dressing。只是菜面上多了一些捏碎的藍酪塊,還有若干糖炒胡桃粒pecan(注意!不是核桃,是胡桃)。

dress (SALAD)
verb [T]
1 to add a liquid, especially a mixture of oil and vinegar, to a salad for additional flavour:
a dressed salad

2 to prepare meat, chicken, fish, and especially crab so it can be eaten:
a whole dressed crab

noun [C or U]
a liquid mixture, often containing oil, vinegar and herbs, which is added to food, especially salads

Dressing may refer to:

French dressing noun [U]
1 UK a mixture of oil, vinegar and spices, used to flavour salad:
She tossed the lettuce in French dressing.

2 US a mixture of oil, mayonnaise (= a thick cold white sauce) and ketchup (= a thick cold red sauce), used to flavour salad

porthole Show phonetics
noun [C]
a small usually round window in the side of a ship or aircraft
