2013年12月11日 星期三

staffing, dispatch, employment agency

“When I have more customers, I hire more staff. When I get a tax break, I go to Aruba.”

Government to review staffing plan at Fukushima...
Japan's government has begun reviewing staffing policies at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant after a survey found that nearly half of the laborers employed there may be working illegally, dispatched by staffing agencies but...
 Apple Retail Chief Admits Staffing Mistake
Apple's retail boss told employees the company made mistakes with a new staffing formula, which cut some workers' hours and understaffed some stores. The changes are being reversed.

Far From H-P, Fisher Takes Job in New Jersey
Jodie Fisher, the woman at the center of the H-P scandal, has traded a life in Hollywood to work as a branch manager at a New Jersey staffing agency run by her mother.

 staffing agency
An employment agency is an organization which matches employers to employees. In all developed countries there is a publicly funded employment agency and multiple private businesses which also act as employment agencies.

  • 発音記号[stǽf | stɑ'ːf]
[名](複 3-5, 7, 9でstaves 〔stéivz〕 or 〜s 〔-s〕, 1, 2, 6, 8で〜s)
1 (経営者などへの)一団の補佐役;(企業などの)助言[勧告]者団, スタッフ;((集合的に単数・複数扱い))職員, 社員, 部員, 局員, スタッフ(▼1人1人のスタッフはa staff member, a staffer)
the college's teaching staff
a staff member [=a member of the staff]
the headmasters and staffs of all secondary schools
The staff areisworking overtime.
Dr. Smith is on the hospital staff.
On the plane were one hundred passengers and fifteen staff.
その飛行機には乗客100名と15名の乗務員がいた(▼単数形で数詞を伴っている点に注意. ⇒CREW).
2 ((集合的))《軍事》
(1) 将校団.
(2) 参謀部, 幕僚.
3 ((古))杖(つえ), 棒;(やりなどの)柄.
4 (官職・権能の標章としての)杖, 指揮棒.
5 旗ざお.
6 ((文))支え, 頼り
Bread is the staff of life.
7 《音楽》譜表, 五線.
8 《鉄道》(単線区間の)通票.
9 《測量》標尺.
━━[動](他)((通例受身))…に(職員を)配置する[当てがう]((with ...))
The school was staffed with excellent teachers.

[動](他)1 ((形式))[III[名]([副])]〈使者・軍隊などを〉(…に)急派[派遣]する;〈手紙などを〉(…に)急送[発送]する((to ...)) dispatch the Fore...
dispatch box
1 公文書箱.2 ((the 〜))((英))下院議会の演説用テーブルの上の箱. ▼原稿を置いたりする.
dispatch rider
(昔は馬, 今はバイクに乗って行く)伝令, 急使.
[名]発送者;(列車・飛行機などの)運転指令員, 操車係, 運航管理員.
