“When I have more customers, I hire more staff. When I get a tax break, I go to Aruba.”
Government to review staffing plan at Fukushima...
March 12, 2013
Japan's government has begun
reviewing staffing policies at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant after a
survey found that nearly half of the laborers employed there may be
working illegally, dispatched by staffing agencies but...
retail boss told employees the company made mistakes with a new
staffing formula, which cut some workers' hours and understaffed some
stores. The changes are being reversed.
Far From H-P, Fisher Takes Job in New Jersey
Jodie Fisher, the woman at the center of the H-P scandal, has traded a life in Hollywood to work as a branch manager at a New Jersey staffing agency run by her mother.
staffing agency
An employment agency is an organization which matches employers to employees. In all developed countries there is a publicly funded employment agency and multiple private businesses which also act as employment agencies.
- 発音記号[stǽf | stɑ'ːf]
[名](複 3-5, 7, 9でstaves 〔stéivz〕 or 〜s 〔-s〕, 1, 2, 6, 8で〜s)
1 (経営者などへの)一団の補佐役;(企業などの)助言[勧告]者団, スタッフ;((集合的に単数・複数扱い))職員, 社員, 部員, 局員, スタッフ(▼1人1人のスタッフはa staff member, a staffer)
2 ((集合的))《軍事》
(1) 将校団.
(2) 参謀部, 幕僚.
(1) 将校団.
(2) 参謀部, 幕僚.
3 ((古))杖(つえ), 棒;(やりなどの)柄.
4 (官職・権能の標章としての)杖, 指揮棒.
5 旗ざお.
7 《音楽》譜表, 五線.
8 《鉄道》(単線区間の)通票.
9 《測量》標尺.
━━[動](他)((通例受身))…に(職員を)配置する[当てがう]((with ...))
- [動](他)1 ((形式))[III[名]([副])]〈使者・軍隊などを〉(…に)急派[派遣]する;〈手紙などを〉(…に)急送[発送]する((to ...)) dispatch the Fore...
- dispatch box
- 1 公文書箱.2 ((the 〜))((英))下院議会の演説用テーブルの上の箱. ▼原稿を置いたりする.
- dispatch rider
- (昔は馬, 今はバイクに乗って行く)伝令, 急使.
- dispatcher
- [名]発送者;(列車・飛行機などの)運転指令員, 操車係, 運航管理員.