Paris with her new foreign minister Frank Walter-Steinmeier. Both vowed to
reinvigorate Europe's Franco-German "motor."
Skeptics say that D-Wave has yet to prove to outside scientists that it has solved the myriad challenges involved in quantum computation.
Obama, Hu seek to reinvigorate Copenhagen climate talks
At a meeting in Beijing, the leaders of the United States and China have attempted to inject life back into the upcoming UN climate talks in Copenhagen, saying the meeting should yield a pact with "immediate" effect.
Dell Tries to Revive Its Game PCs
Dell is abandoning several of its most popular gaming PCs, taking a surprising step to reinvigorate what it sees as its premium line.
TECHNOLOGY Founders Step Aside at MySpace
Cheers and Skepticism Greet European Deal
Europe's new strategy to tame its debt woes invigorated global financial markets despite lingering questions over how the plan will work and whether it will be enough to end the two-year-old crisis.
The founders of MySpace are leaving the helm of the Web site as News Corp. seeks to reinvigorate the property.
(rē'ĭn-vĭg'ə-rāt')tr.v., -rat·ed, -rat·ing, -rates.
To give new life or energy to.
reinvigoration re'in·vig'o·ra'tion n.reinvigorator re'in·vig'o·ra'tor n.
- 音節
- skep • tic
- 発音
- sképtik
- skepticの変化形
- skeptics (複数形)
1 懐疑論者, 疑い深い人;反対意見をもつ人;(特に)キリスト教を信じない人;無神論者.
2 ((S-))《哲学》懐疑(学)派.
[ラテン語←ギリシャ語skeptikós (skēptesthai考える+-IC)]