The Target Credit Card Breach: What You Should Know |
40 million shoppers could be at risk for credit and debit card fraud |
“Superman!” gasps Lois Lane, freshly scooped from beneath the nodding carbines of a South American firing squad. “Right!” says the boxy blue-and-red figure who holds her in his arms. “And still playing the role of gallant rescuer!” His mouth is set in a kind of grimace, but with dimples. Is he frowning? Tautly grinning? And what can he mean by “still playing the role”? This is only the second Superman comic ever, from July 1938, and already our hero — caped and airborne, with Lois coiled against his unbreachable bosom — is carrying a freight of super-irony.“超人!”剛從南美行刑場的卡賓槍下逃過一劫的洛伊斯·萊恩(Lois Lane)氣喘吁籲地喊道。 “是我!”穿著紅藍衣衫的壯漢把她攬在懷裡,肯定地回答道,“我還在扮演英勇的救世主角色!”他咧著嘴,似乎在做鬼臉,但露出了酒窩。他在皺眉嗎?還是在緊張地咧嘴笑?他說“還在扮演這個角色”,這又是什麼意思?這只是自1938年7月以來的第二部《超人》漫畫,但是我們的英雄——穿著披風,飛來飛去,將洛伊斯護在他堅實的胸前——已經開始蘊含著巨大的諷刺。
U.S. Suspects Iranians Were Behind a Wave of Cyberattacks
By THOM SHANKER and DAVID E. SANGER 47 minutes ago
Intelligence officials believe Iran was the origin of network attacks that crippled computers across the Saudi oil industry and breached American financial institutions.
Obama Slams Security Breach
Obama blamed the Northwest bombing attempt on security lapses, as it emerged that the U.S. had multiple pieces of information about the suspect.
- breach
- [名]1 [C][U](法律・義務・約束などの)違反, 不履行, 破棄 a breach of contract契約違反 a breach of confidence秘密漏洩(ろうえい) a b...
- breach of promise
- [U][C]《法律》契約違反, 約束不履行, (特に)婚約不履行.
- breach of the peace
- 《法律》((通例単数形))(暴動・騒乱などによる)治安妨害(罪), 治安紊乱(びんらん)(罪).
Syllabification: (breach)
Pronunciation: /brēCH/
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[with object]Phrases
Syllabification: (un·breach·a·ble)
Pronunciation: /ˌənˈbrēCHəbəl/
Definition of unbreachable
Syllabification: (freight)
Pronunciation: /frāt/
Definition of freight