2013年12月16日 星期一

identity/data theft , financial fraud, Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard Shuts Down Scam Sites
London's Metropolitan Police said it shut down more than 1,200 Web sites that purported to sell merchandise such as Tiffany jewelry and Ugg boots but instead shipped counterfeit goods or nothing at all, and put shoppers at risk of identity theft and financial fraud.

Stealing the identity of others by using their credit card, drivers license, social security or other personal identification numbers. With "true name" identity theft, the thief uses the information to open new accounts. With "account takeover" identity theft, the thief uses the information to access existing accounts.
Not only can the thieves run up bills for the victims, but they can commit crimes pretending to be the victim, who may have enormous difficulty proving otherwise. Although catalog shopping by telephone has been around for decades, it is possible that an order taker might find someone acting suspicious. However, the complete lack of human interaction on the Web has caused identity theft to increase. In 1998, the U.S. Congress made identity theft a federal offense.

〔中央社〕蘇格蘭警(Scotland Yard)1名高階警官說,

此場為誤譯 不過習慣就好

 Many U.S. Businesses in China Cite Data Theft


  • レベル:最重要
  • 発音記号[jɑ'ːrd]
1 ((英))建物に隣接する[を囲む, に囲まれた](しばしば舗装された)地面;構内;中庭, 庭;((米))Harvard大学(のキャンパス);((米))(特に芝生の生えた)裏庭(((英))garden);((英))(芝生のない)小さな裏庭
the front [the back] yard
2 ((しばしば複合語))特定の目的のために囲った地面;仕事場, 作業場;物置場;(家畜の)囲い, おり
a navy yard
a chicken [a poultry] yard
3 《鉄道》ヤード, 操車場.
4 ((米))(シカ類の)冬の草食い場.
5 ((the Y-))((英略式))ロンドン警視庁(Scotland Yard).
6 野菜畑.
[古英語geard(囲い). △GARDEN

Scótland Yárd[Scótland Yárd]

1 ロンドン警視庁, (特に)ロンドン警視庁刑事捜査部. ▼警視庁がもとスコットランドヤード街にあったことから. ⇒YARD2[名]5
2 スコットランドヤード(街):London中央の通りの名;スコットランド王の宮殿跡.


Syllabification: (theft)
Pronunciation: /THeft/
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  • the action or crime of stealing:he was convicted of theft the latest theft happened at a garage


Old English thīefth, thēofth, of Germanic origin; related to thief
