On the 10th of May, 2023, while visiting the Cluny Museum, the French Musée National du Moyen Âge in Paris, I sought out the famous Byzantine ivory piece of Ariadne, Maenad, Satyr, and Cupids. Most likely a decorative element of a piece of furniture, the majority of scholars believe it was a luxurious throne, this elephant ivory statuette made in Constantinople in the early 6th century was found in a tomb in the Rhine valley, in the region of Trier, along with two lion heads in rock crystal. One can only imagine the sumptuousness of the Trier throne…
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Ariadne, Maenad, Satyr, and Cupids, 1st or 2nd quarter of the 6th century, Ivory high relief and inlay, 40x14x7.5 cm, Musée de Cluny, Paris, France (my amateurish attempt at Photography)
Mike Bloomberg is estimated to have splurged over $300m on TV, radio and digital advertising alone. But some fear that, instead of capitalising on the Democrats’ divided field, he may fracture it furtherThe former mayor of New York’s lavish spending and weak rivals make him a contender
Mike Bloomberg's lavish spending is paying off
Nevertheless, because we are bestowed with the privilege and responsibility of educating California's youth, we do not have the luxury, even during these difficult economic times, to take a defensive posture. We must do the honorable thing of bringing about greater improvements irrespective of the circumstances. As modern management guru Peter Drucker said, "We need gains."
Mr. Bryars’s 24-minute piece, composed for the Arditti Quartet in 1985, begins with a two-note Minimalist seesaw and moves stylistically backward (at least, for a time), toward the sumptuousness of the late-19th and early 20th centuries.
to make larger, greater, or stronger; enlarge; extend.
to expand in stating or describing, as by details or illustrations; clarify by expanding.
Archaic. to exaggerate.
to discourse at length; expatiate or expand one's remarks, speech, etc. (usually followed by on):
The preacher amplified on the theme of brotherly love.
n., pl., -ries.
- Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.
- Something expensive or hard to obtain.
- Sumptuous living or surroundings: lives in luxury.
Providing luxury: a luxury car.
[Middle English luxurie, lust, from Old French, from Latin luxuria, excess, luxury, from luxus.]
SYNONYMS luxury, extravagance, frill. These nouns denote something desirable that is not a necessity: the real luxury of riding in a limousine; a simple wedding without any extravagances; caviar and other culinary frills.
ANTONYM necessity
ANTONYM necessity
- Something gained or acquired: territorial gains.
- Progress; advancement: The country made economic gains under the new government.
- The act of acquiring; attainment.
- An increase in amount or degree: a gain in operating income.
- Electronics. An increase in signal power, voltage, or current by an amplifier, expressed as the ratio of output to input. Also called amplification.
Meaning #1: wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living
Synonyms: luxury, luxuriousness, opulence
Meaning #2: the quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive
Synonyms: lavishness, luxury, sumptuosity
- 発音記号[lǽviʃ][形]
1 〈人が〉気前のよい, ぜいたくな, (…を)惜しまない, 浪費する((with, in ...))
━━[動](他)…を(人に)惜しみなく[気前よく]与える((on, upon ...))
[中フランス語←ラテン語lavāre(洗う). 原義は「雨のどしゃ降り」. △LAVE]
[副]気前よく, ぜいたくに;あり余って.