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Also in This Week's Book Review
Reviewed by STACY SCHIFF
Reviewed by STACY SCHIFF
In Jerome Charyn’s 18th-century New York, George Washington mingles with prostitutes, swindlers, spies and other riffraff.
trust, flash in the pan,
Mr. Madoff's swindle was based on trust, not naked greed, and the harm he caused was incalculable, Peter J. Henning, a professor at Wayne State Law School, writes on The Deal Professor blog.
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As part of a global restructuring, Citigroup will sell its Japanese trust banking unit to Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking, the U.S. firm's Japanese subsidiary said Tuesday.
flash in the pan,
An effort or person that promises great success but fails. For example, His second novel proved to be a flash in the pan, or We had high hopes for the new director, but she was a flash in the pan. This metaphoric term alludes to the 17th-century flintlock musket, which could be fired only when the flash of the priming powder in the lockpan ignited the charge in the bore. When it failed to ignite, there was only a flash in the pan and the gun did not shoot.
━━ n. 信任, 信頼, 信用 ((in)); 信頼する人[もの]; 希望, 確信; 信用貸し, 掛売り; 責任; 保管; 委託(物) (in one's ~); 【法】信託(財産); 保管委員会; 【商業】信用販売; 【経済】企業合同, トラスト.
in trust 委託して.
on trust 掛けで; 人の言うままに.
take … on trust …を確かめずに受入れる.
━━ a. 信託の.
━━ vt. 信頼[信用]する; 頼る; 任せる, 委託する ((with)); (秘密を)打明ける ((with)); 希望[期待]する ((to do;that)); 信じる; 信用貸し[掛売り]する (~ him for apples).
━━ vi. 望む; 信じる ((in)); 信頼する ((on)); 任せる, あてにする ((to)); 期待する ((for)); 掛売りする.
trust・a・ble ━━ a.
trust・buster (米国連邦政府の)独禁法違反取締官.
trust company 信託会社; 信託銀行.
trust deed 信託証書.
trust・ful ━━ a. 信用[信頼]している; 信じやすい.
trust・ful・ly ad.
trust・ful・ness n.
trust fund 信託基金[財産].
trust fund baby 〔米俗〕 (信託財産を受ける)生まれながらの金持ちの子供.
Trust・house Forte トラストハウス・フォート ((欧州など各国にホテルを有する英国の会社)).
trust・ing ━━ a. 信じる.
trust・ing・ly ad.
trust・ing・ness n.
trust territory (国連の)信託統治地域.
trust・worthy ━━ a. 信頼できる, 確実な.
trust・worthily ad.
trust・worthiness n.
trust・y ━━ a., n. 信頼できる(人); 忠実な(人); 模範囚.
swindlein trust 委託して.
on trust 掛けで; 人の言うままに.
take … on trust …を確かめずに受入れる.
━━ a. 信託の.
━━ vt. 信頼[信用]する; 頼る; 任せる, 委託する ((with)); (秘密を)打明ける ((with)); 希望[期待]する ((to do;that)); 信じる; 信用貸し[掛売り]する (~ him for apples).
━━ vi. 望む; 信じる ((in)); 信頼する ((on)); 任せる, あてにする ((to)); 期待する ((for)); 掛売りする.
trust・a・ble ━━ a.
trust・buster (米国連邦政府の)独禁法違反取締官.
trust company 信託会社; 信託銀行.
trust deed 信託証書.
trust・ful ━━ a. 信用[信頼]している; 信じやすい.
trust・ful・ly ad.
trust・ful・ness n.
trust fund 信託基金[財産].
trust fund baby 〔米俗〕 (信託財産を受ける)生まれながらの金持ちの子供.
Trust・house Forte トラストハウス・フォート ((欧州など各国にホテルを有する英国の会社)).
trust・ing ━━ a. 信じる.
trust・ing・ly ad.
trust・ing・ness n.
trust territory (国連の)信託統治地域.
trust・worthy ━━ a. 信頼できる, 確実な.
trust・worthily ad.
trust・worthiness n.
trust・y ━━ a., n. 信頼できる(人); 忠実な(人); 模範囚.
verb [T]
to obtain money dishonestly from someone by deceiving or cheating them:
They swindled local businesses out of thousands of pounds.
noun [C]
Fraud-squad officers are investigating a £5.6 million swindle.
noun [C]
plural noun DISAPPROVING
people with a bad reputation or of a low social class:
She says that charging high prices will keep the riff-raff out.