2008年12月9日 星期二

pax, sobriquet, Grave Dancer, the thinking woman's/man's crumpet

Much of the ire will be directed at Mr. Zell, the real estate baron whose knack for buying when everyone else is selling earned him a fit sobriquet for the news business these days: The Grave Dancer.

kiss of peace:和平吻禮:於天主教禮儀中,表示友愛的吻面禮。在中國,為適應本地民情,有時用鞠躬或握手代替。拉丁文稱作 pax。

  1. Ecclesiastical.
    1. A small flat tablet adorned with a sacred image that worshippers kiss when offered the kiss of peace.
    2. The kiss of peace.
  2. Pax A time of wide-ranging stability when there is only a single dominant power. Used with a Latinized name: “Editorials lauding the civilizing influence of Pax Britannica were met with … a crushing disinterest from most of the public” (Nisid Hajari).
[Medieval Latin pāx, from Latin, peace. Sense 2, on the model of Late Latin pāx (Rōmāna), the Roman peace, state of security obtaining under Roman rule, alteration of Latin (Rōmāna) pāx.]


━━ n. 【ローマ神話】(P-) パックス ((平和の女神;ギリシア神話のIreneに当たる)); 休戦, 平和; ((間投詞的)) (けんか・遊びのとき)待った.
 Pax Americana [Britannica] アメリカ[大英帝国]の(支配による)平和.
 Pax Ro・ma・na
 ローマの平和; 強国の威力による平和.

三省堂提供「EXCEED 英和辞典」より凡例はこちら

sobriquet, soubriquet Show phonetics
noun [C] FORMAL
a name given to someone or something which is not their real or official name; nickname:
These charms have earned the television programme's presenter the sobriquet 'the thinking woman's crumpet'.


the thinking woman's/man's crumpet UK HUMOROUS
a way of describing a man or a woman who is popular with the opposite sex because they are intelligent as well as being physically attractive:
Paxman is surely the ultimate thinking woman's crumpet.

crumpet (BREAD) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a small round bread-like cake with holes in one side that is eaten hot with butter
crumpet (WOMAN) Show phonetics
noun [U] UK SLANG
one or more people, usually women, who are sexually attractive:
a nice bit of crumpet


━━ n. あだ名; 仮名.

Grave Dancer民俗 說法暫時找不到


--> ━━ n. 墓; 死; 破滅; 死地.
dig one's own grave 自ら墓穴を掘る.
make … turn in his grave 死者をも嘆かせる(ような事をする).
Someone is walking over [on, across] my grave. ぶるるる ((わけもなく身震いの出た時に言う)).
grave clothes (死者に着せる)経かたびら.
grave・digger 墓掘り人.
grave・stone 墓石.
grave・yard 墓地; (古自動車などの)処理[解体]場.
graveyard shift [watch] 深夜からの交替勤務(者).
