2008年12月6日 星期六

case (ARGUMENT) , put your money where your mouth is

Yahoo should put its money where its mouth is and offer to buy Microsoft's MSN unit with a public bear hug, Breakingviews says.

Go to Article from Breakingviews via The New York Times»

put your money where your mouth is INFORMAL
to show by your actions and not just your words that you support or believe in something

ADVERTISING Car Makers Take Case to the Web
Auto makers are using sophisticated digital-marketing techniques to lobby for billions of dollars in federal aid.

noun [S]
arguments, facts and reasons in support of or against something:
There's a good case for/against bringing in new regulations.
The case against cigarette advertising is becoming stronger all the time.

She's very busy so don't overstate the case - just give her the essentials.
