2008年12月25日 星期四

strike a balance

Banks Told: Lend More, Save More

Bankers are complaining about mixed signals from U.S. regulators, who want them to lend more but build up capital to protect against losses. FDIC's Sheila Bair says examiners are "trying to strike a balance."


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strike a balance
If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side:
It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and productivity.

我個人認為宋文襄先生 ( W. H. Sung)1984年9月18日在台北圓山大飯店舉行「
國際品質大會」( International Quality Symposium, 1984,Taipei, Taiwan)乃是學會的一里程碑。會議主題為" 品質--生產力之鑰 (Quality - Key To Productivity)",深得Deming和 Ishikawa等大師的精髓。
