Fyodor Dostoyevsky was one of the most influential writers of the 19th century. Best known for his fiction—"Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot", and "Notes from the Underground"—his works explored the depths of the human psyche. He died on this day in 1881
“I think what you are seeing today is not the end but the beginning of a long, fundamental turnaround at Alcatel-Lucent,” Ms. Mendler said. “Ben Verwaayen is a very no-nonsense individual. He completely transformed BT and is the right person to do the same at Alcatel-Lucent.”
Mr. Heston’s screen presence was so commanding that he was never dominated by mammoth sets, spectacular effects or throngs of spear-waving extras. In his films, whether playing Buffalo Bill, an airline pilot, a naval captain or the commander of a spaceship, he essentially projected the same image — muscular, steely-eyed, courageous. If critics regularly used terms like “marble-monumental” or “granitic” to describe his acting style, they just as often praised his forthright, no-nonsense characterizations.
Wired News - USA
By Betsy Schiffman October 15, 2008 | 1:50:32 PMCategories: Google All that talk about how Google is making us stupid is a bit of a crock, according to a ...
- An earthenware vessel.
- A broken piece of earthenware.
- Slang. Foolish talk; nonsense: That story is just a crock.
[Middle English crokke, from Old English crocc. Sense 2, short for crock of shit.]
- An earthenware vessel.
- A broken piece of earthenware.
crock1[ kr |
「crock」を新グローバル英和辞典でも検索する |
[名] |
1 ((古風))陶製つぼ[かめ, はち];瀬戸物;((通例~s))(植木鉢の穴をふさぐ)瀬戸物の破片. |
2 ((英古風))金属製なべ. |
crock of gold (at the end of a rainbow)
forthright Show phoneticsadjective
(too) honest or direct in behaviour:
His forthright manner can be mistaken for rudeness.
I admire her forthright way of dealing with people.
no-nonsense Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
practical and serious, and only interested in doing what is necessary or achieving what is intended, without silly ideas or methods:
a no-nonsense manner/leader
a no-nonsense approach to child-rearing
*Becoming a Product Designer 可悲的翻譯 p.173 (中文) 簡直匪夷所思
noun [U] (ALSO hose) FORMAL
a word used especially in shops for items such as socks, tights and stockings:
Women's hosiery you'll find on the second floor, Madam.
KK: [

DJ: [

DJ: [
n. (名詞 noun)[U]
- (總稱)襪子類
- 【主英】(總稱)針織品
KK: [

DJ: [

DJ: [
n. (名詞 noun)
- (運動員等的)緊身衣
- 貼身襯衣
- (婦女的)緊身下裝
panty liner
noun [C]細薄衛生棉
a small length of absorbent material which can be stuck to the inside of a woman's underpants
panty girdle パンティーガードル (〈英〉panty belt) ((パンティー型のコルセット)).
panty-hose 〔米〕 ((複数扱い)) パンティーストッキング, パンスト.褲襪
panty・liner パンティーライナー ((生理用ナプキン)).
panty raid 〔米〕 パンティーレイド ((大学の男子学生が女子学生寮のパンティーを奪う昔流行したいたずら)).
panty・waist ━━ a., n. 〔米〕 子供用パンツ付下着(の) ((上下をボタンでとめる)); 〔米話〕 めめしい(人).
KK: []
DJ: []
n. (名詞 noun)
幼兒用衣褲 孩童般的男人;柔弱的人
noun [C]
a small room or large cupboard in a house where food is kept