
━━ a., n. 手始めの; 率先, 先導; 開始; 進取の気性; 独創力; 率先権; 【政】(the ~) (一般国民の)発議権.
on one's own initiative 自発的に.
take the initiative 率先して行う, 主導する ((in)).
the initiative (ADVANTAGE) noun [S]
the power or opportunity to gain an advantage:
to seize/take/lose the initiative
initiative (NEW ACTION) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a new action or movement, often intended to solve a problem:
The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.
initiative (NEW ACTION) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a new action or movement, often intended to solve a problem:
The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.
the initiative (ADVANTAGE) noun [S]
the power or opportunity to gain an advantage:
to seize/take/lose the initiative
initiative (NEW ACTION) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a new action or movement, often intended to solve a problem:
The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.
initiative (NEW ACTION) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a new action or movement, often intended to solve a problem:
The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.