500-year-old Indian laws and customs are being revised to allow men to marry out of caste, out of village and out of state. One of our best videos from 2015 explored why
Long Before Jeju Air Crash, South Korea Rose to Be a Model of Safety
South Korea overcame pariah status at the end of the last century. Now it faces the challenge of learning lessons from the catastrophe on Dec. 29
Long Before Jeju Air Crash, South Korea Rose to Be a Model of Safety
South Korea overcame pariah status at the end of the last century. Now it faces the challenge of learning lessons from the catastrophe on Dec. 29
Cycling May Turn Armstrong Into a Sympathetic Figure
Lance Armstrong, who was stripped of seven Tour de France titles, remains a pariah in the sport even as the continued presence of some other dopers seems to be just fine.
IT IS easy for outsiders to admire those in Japan who sport tattoos. First, think of the pain. The body art known as irezumi is inflicted on a wearer’s torso with wooden needles and charcoal ink. During up to 50 sessions, the irezumi master brooks no tardiness, insobriety or whingeing.
Then there is the lifetime of pariah status that follows. Bathhouses and onsen (hot springs) usually forbid entry to tattoo wearers. So do swimming pools. Men may believe their swirling, ornate body engravings reflect a roguish masculinity. But the worst of it is that many Japanese women disagree. And so body-art narcissism takes place mainly among other tattooed men. Such groups of even innocent men immediately take on the air of gangsters, for yakuza and irezumi are inseparable.
"brass", effrontery, sobriety, brooks no tardiness...
Irezumi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irezumi - Cached
(入れ墨, 入墨, 紋身, 刺花, 剳青, 黥 or 刺青) is a Japanese word that refers to the
insertion of ink under the skin to leave a permanent, usually decorative
...Welfare Limits Left Poor Adrift as Recession Hit
Some recipients of aid under the Clinton-era Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families program have taken desperate measures to make ends meet.
Biographical sketches of early American counterfeiters and their colorful, roguish lives.
(rō'gĭsh) adj.
- Deceitful; unprincipled: Set adrift by his roguish crew, the captain of the ship spent a week alone at sea.
- Playfully mischievous: a roguish grin.
roguishness rogu'ish·ness n.
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[ədríft]
1 〈船が〉係留してない, 流された[て], (波のまにまに)漂った[て], 漂流した[して](drifting)
cut [set] a ship adrift
2 さまよった[て], 迷った[て], 混乱した[して], ふらついた[て], 定まった目標もない[なく];見当はずれの[で].
3 ((英略式))はずれて, 故障して;途方に暮れて;(対戦相手に)リードされて((of ...))
feel adrift
be all adrift
(1) 漂っている.(2) すっかり途方に暮れている;すっかり混乱している;見当がはずれている.
go [come] adrift
(1) 漂流する.(2) (本題から)はずれる, 脱線する((from ...)).
(3) ((略式))うまくいかない;〈結び目などが〉ほどける, ゆるむ, ほつれる.
turn [cast] a person adrift
〈人を〉路頭に迷わせる;解雇する. adrift(ə-drĭft')
adv. & adj.
- Drifting or floating freely; not anchored.
- Without direction or purpose: "The report is about people in their twenties and how alienated and adrift they feel" (Tom Shales).
- 1.an outcast."they were treated as social pariahs"
synonyms: outcast, persona non grata, leper, reject, untouchable, undesirable;
rareunperson"they were treated as social pariahs" - 2.historicala member of an indigenous people of southern India originally functioning as ceremonial drummers but later having a low caste.