2023年10月11日 星期三

Patriotism and pathos live side by sideㄝmatcha powder 抹茶粉


In Russian Military Town, Patriotism and Pathos Live Side by Side

The contradictions of Vladimir Putin’s war are changing the face of Russian towns with military bases: Patriotism and pride contrasted with sadness and death.


「如果你養成經常食用抹茶的習慣,從長遠來看,你可能會獲得一些健康益處,」胡博士說。 “但如果你只是在巧克力冰淇淋上撒一些抹茶粉,那麼我認為它不會有太大幫助。”

 In general, Dr. Hu said, matcha can be a healthy addition to your diet, as long as you’re mindful of how much sugar and other unhealthful ingredients you’re consuming along with it. The amount of sugar and cream people add to their daily coffee or tea “has become so enormous that it really counteracts the health benefits,” Dr. Hu said. And if you eat a lot of fast food or smoke cigarettes regularly, don’t expect matcha to counteract those unhealthy choices.

“If you develop a habit of regular matcha consumption, in the long run you may get some health benefit,” Dr. Hu said. “But if you just sprinkle some matcha powder on top of chocolate ice cream, then I don’t think it will do much to help.”
