2023年10月15日 星期日

follow-on, misuse, mistreat, mishandle

U.K. ousts Israel official over passports
U.K. Foreign Secretary David Miliband said Israel was involved in copying British passports that were allegedly used in the killing of a top Hamas official in Dubai. The U.K. has expelled an Israeli diplomat over the affair.

“Google is committed to making sure the data of its users is well protected and not misused,” he said. “Europe has a history of innovation. Where it has not always done as good a job in my opinion is in follow-on innovation, in commercializing the innovation. If you restrict too much how a company like Google can innovate, that will restrict the follow-on benefits in Europe.”



Following as a related or consequent aspect or development: “Such contracts involve follow-on sales of maintenance services” (Christian Science Monitor).

followon fol'low-on' n.

Improper, unlawful, or incorrect use; misapplication.

tr.v., -used, -us·ing, -us·es. (-yūz')
  1. To use incorrectly.
  2. To mistreat or abuse. See synonyms at abuse.

mishandle the case


(mĭs-hăn'dl) pronunciation
tr.v., -dled, -dling, -dles.
  1. To deal with clumsily or inefficiently; mismanage.
  2. To treat roughly; maltreat.
