this year's design pavilion for NYCxDESIGN included an experimental installation 'bamboo cloud,' by shanghai-based LLLab.
An Ad for Chanel, With an Artistic Mission
A futuristic art pavilion, commissioned by Chanel and designed by London architect Zaha Hadid, will make a temporary appearance in Central Park this fall.
First used in toothbrushes it was soon used in the manufacture of stockings (1939), selling more than 64 million pairs in the first year of production. It was also exhibited at the Du Pont Pavilion at the New York World's Fair of 1939.
The economic downturn makes finding sponsorship difficult
Chinese officials insist next year's World Expo in Shanghai has enough sponsorship and enough participants to be a success, despite the pressures of the current worldwide economic crisis.
Some 232 countries and organisations have signed up to take part in the technology and innovation showcase, although several have scaled back their plans.
With just over 400 days to go until the exhibition opens, the United States has yet to confirm its attendance because it's struggling to find the money to build its pavilion.
書籍內有插圖頁( plate)之編頁方式有兩種.....
If the covered-up arms of Gwyneth, Helen, Kirsten and Anika at the Oscars didn’t convince you, Ellen Tien will: for spring, sleeves are in, “be they billowing balloons, leg of mutton, lantern or inset with flirty lace.”

Photographs by Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
Wave, stretch, gesture theatrically or just stand arms akimbo. This spring, the sleeves have it, be they billowing balloons, leg of mutton, lantern or inset with flirty lace.
Jack Cards prides itself on unique offerings that can't be found in the local drugstore, and I found that its cards fit the bill for many occasions. It's worth noting the cards looked even better in person, created by about 40 designers who left me both scratching my head over some of their humor and cooing over their beautiful designs. But the functionality of the site needs to improve, especially in the way it helps users search through cards; too often, results were hit and miss. And it doesn't incorporate enough rich Web 2.0 features, which could improve navigation on the site and be a real boon for looking at cards (imagine an inset animation of a card opening and revealing its message inside).
Alcatel-Lucent Faces Restive Holders
Alcatel-Lucent tried to allay shareholder concerns but acknowledged the telecom-equipment sector was "going through a new crisis."
noun [C]
someone who officially owns something:
an account/licence/passport holder
Holders of shares in the company receive various benefits.shareholder Show phonetics
noun [C] (MAINLY US stockholder) 股東
a person who owns some of the equal parts into which the ownership of a company is divided:
Shareholders will be voting on the proposed merger of the companies next week.
noun [C]
a device for putting objects in or for keeping them in place:
a toothbrush holder
a cigarette holder
- Giving off light; luminous.
- Translucent; clear.
allay, counterweight
━━ vt. 差込む.

something positioned within a larger object:
The map has an inset (= small extra map) in the top corner, that shows the city centre in more detail.
adjective [after verb]
He bought her a gold necklace inset with rubies.
━━ n. パビリオン, (大)展示館; 大テント; 〔英〕 (野外の)観覧席; (病院の)別病棟; (公園・庭園の)あずまや, 離れ(の間); 天空.
━━ vt. 大テントを張る[でおおう].
━━ vt. 大テントを張る[でおおう].
pavilion (TEMPORARY STRUCTURE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a temporary structure, such as a large tent, especially used at public events or for shows
pavilion (BUILDING) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 UK a building beside a sports field, especially one where cricket is played, used by the players and sometimes by people watching the game
2 US one of a group of related buildings:
the West Pavilion of Central General Hospital
Henry Hobson Richardson built his largest commission in 1870, the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane, which is composed of a pair of soaring Romanesque towers flanked by low brick pavilions.
3 US a large building in which sports or entertainment take place
* The Pavilion on the Links Robert Louis Stevenson 1973 : 169(4) 史蒂文生,〈沙丘上的涼亭〉