目次 |
語源 [編集]
「Hyperbaton」という語はギリシャ語のhyper(〜を超えて)+bainein(歩を進めること)に、動詞的形容詞接尾辞の-tosから由派生した ὑπέρβατον, hyperbaton(置き換え)の借用である。転置法の種類 [編集]
転置法という語は一般に(標準的な語順から意図的かつ劇的に逸脱した)無秩序な技法を指すこともある。(noun) The reversal of the normal order of words. | |
Synonyms: | inversion |
Usage: | Anastrophe, when used correctly, can give writing an impact that traditional sentence structures cannot always achieve. |
例 [編集]
- Cheese, I love it!(チーズが大好き!) - 語順が逆さまになっている。
- Bloody thou art; bloody will be thy end. - (汝は血塗られている。汝の最期も血塗られたものになるだろう)ウィリアム・シェイクスピア『リチャード三世』第4幕第4場198
- Object there was none. Passion there was none. - (対象はなかった。情熱もなかった。)エドガー・アラン・ポー『告げ口心臓』
- This is the sort of English up with which I will not put. -(こういう英語だ、私が我慢できないのは。) 前置詞で文を終えないという規範文法のルールをあげつらっている。ウィンストン・チャーチルの言葉とされる[1]。
A grammatical, usage or pronunciation mistake made by `correcting' something that's right to begin with. For example, use of the word whom in "Whom shall I say is calling?"
From Greek hyper- (over) + correction.
"One explanation is that some people may have been corrected for saying `bad' in another construction such as `I need money bad' and so in hypercorrection use `badly' in all constructions. Other use it trying to be elegant, thinking `feeling bad' is somehow less educated." — Roz Young, The Good Word is Don't Feel Bad About 'Feeling Badly', The Dayton Daily News, Sep 4, 1993.
"The truth is that hypercorrection isn 't grammar's coup de grace. We all do it occasionally; here's how: Fear of the objective case. This comes as a shock to we (should be `us') people who care about grammar, but between you and I (should be `me'), hypercorrection is quite common." — Rob Kyff, The Error of Fixing What Ain't Broke, The Hartford Courant, Apr 20, 1994.
anorexia, anorexigenesis, Pickwickian, Obesity, hypoventilation/somnolentlence/bulimia
"A salad’s healthy, right?” she asked. Of course the objective answer is yes. But my answer was more complicated."
"The problem in obesity is not excess weight," Lustig says, in the central London hotel that he has made his anti-metabolic illness HQ. "The problem with obesity is that the brain is not seeing the excess weight." The brain can't see it because appetite is determined by a binary system. You're either in anorexigenesis – "I'm not hungry and I can burn energy" – or you're in orexigenesis – "I'm hungry and I want to store energy." The flip switch is your leptin level (the hormone that regulates your body fat) but too much insulin in your system blocks the leptin signal.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (also known as Pickwickian syndrome) is a condition in which severely overweight people fail to breathe rapidly enough or deeply enough, resulting in low blood oxygen levels and high blood carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. Many people with this condition also frequently stop breathing altogether for short periods of time during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea), resulting in many partial awakenings during the night, which leads to continual sleepiness during the day.[1] The disease puts strain on the heart, which eventually may lead to the symptoms of heart failure, such as leg swelling and various other related symptoms. The most effective treatment is weight loss, but it is often possible to relieve the symptoms by nocturnal ventilation with positive airway pressure (CPAP) or related methods.[1][2]
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome is defined as the combination of obesity (body mass index above 30 kg/m2), hypoxia (falling oxygen levels in blood) during sleep, and hypercapnia (increased blood carbon dioxide levels) during the day, resulting from hypoventilation (excessively slow or shallow breathing).[2][3] The disease has been known since the 1950s, initially as "Pickwickian syndrome" in reference to a Dickensian character but currently under a more descriptive name.[2]
- 発音記号[háipou-, -pə-]
hỳperventilátion[hỳper・ventilátion] [名]《医学》過度呼吸;過呼吸症侯群.
[名][U]眠いこと, 眠け.
1 過食.