2019年3月6日 星期三

bun, 1000-franc

1000-franc 1000法郎

瑞士剛出了新版1000瑞郎鈔票, Swissinfo 拍了影片,示範以1000瑞郎鈔票去買咖啡、買花或者街邊買小吃,結果是......
What happens when you try to buy a coffee, some flowers or a book with the newly designed 1,000-franc note, Switzerland's largest-denomination…

Pablo Picasso
Bijiasuo portrait 《Female sitting in a bun》



  • 1A small cake, typically containing dried fruit.
    ‘a currant bun’
    1. 1.1 A bread roll.
    2. 1.2 (in Scotland and Jamaica) a rich fruit cake or currant bread.
  • 2A hairstyle in which the hair is drawn back into a tight coil at the back of the head.

    bun noun (HAIRSTYLE)

    picture of bun

    [ C ] a woman's hairstyle where the hair is brought together into a round shape at the back of the head:

    She wore her hair in a bun.
  • 3bunsNorth American informal A person's buttocks.
