Don't miss Ernest Hemingway's FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS, now available as a t-shirt, poster, and tote bag at Litographs. Use discount code SCRIBNER for $5 off this week only.
Apple Totes Up iPad Sales
Apple said it sold three million iPads in the three days since the debut of the iPad Mini, which was "practically sold out."
Wired News
By Nathan Olivarez-Giles Google launched the next version of its Chromebook laptop on Tuesday, boosting processor speed and doubling memory capacity in an upgrade that finally makes the browser-centric tote look like a finished product.
Syria Sends In Tanks to Storm Center of Rebellious City
Syria ordered its military to storm through the city of Hama after three days of shelling, in what appeared to be a decisive step to crush the opposition.
Today we kick off WQXR’s Spring Membership Drive. If you haven’t yet made the leap from being a listener to being a member we have not one, but two special treats to entice you to join today!
ONE - We’ve produced a limited run of 1000 WQXR Baggu tote bags. For your pledge of $60 or more, we’ll send you a limited edition tote bag. (Click here to look at a picture of the tote!)
TWO - You’ll be automatically entered in our contest to win a MacBook Pro and
an iPad 2, courtesy of Tekserve. You don't have to pledge to enter this contest, but we hope you will!
an iPad 2, courtesy of Tekserve. You don't have to pledge to enter this contest, but we hope you will!
1 …を(かついで, かかえて)運ぶ.
2 〈ピストルなどを〉携帯する.
3 〈女性を〉護衛する.
1 [U]運搬;[C]運ぶ物, 荷物.
2 =tote bag.
tote bag
A large handbag or shopping bag.
A large handbag or shopping bag.
tr.v. Informal, tot·ed, tot·ing, totes.

tr.v. Informal, tot·ed, tot·ing, totes.
- To haul; lug.
- To have on one's person; pack: toting guns.
- Informal. A load; a burden.
- A tote bag.
[Perhaps (via Black West African English) of Bantu origin, akin to Kongo -tota, to pick up, and Swahili -tuta, to pile up, carry.]
totable tot'a·ble adj.toter tot'er n.
tote2 (tōt)

tr.v. Informal, tot·ed, tot·ing, totes.
- To determine the total of; add up.
- To sum up; summarize.
tote3 (tōt)

n. Informal
A pari-mutuel machine.
[Short for TOTALIZATOR.]
send in
1. Cause to be dispatched or delivered, as in Let's send in a letter of protest to the hiring committee. [Early 1700s] 2. Cause someone to become involved in a particular undertaking, as in This disagreement is serious; it's time to send in the lawyers, or In the final few minutes the coach sent in Richard on right wing. [Mid-1800s]
a celebratory demonstration of goodwill at a person’s departure:I got an affectionate send-off from my colleagues
2 出発, 門出, (競争の)出発, スタート.- 発音記号[tóut]
1 =totalizator.
2 パリミューチュアル方式(pari-mutuel).