2019年3月30日 星期六

pimping, ‘pimp’and ‘poke’, Pimp State, Facebook

Whatever credibility U.S. media still had after pimping those imaginary Iraqi WMDs and "experts" repeatedly reporting that Trump had no chance of winning, now lies in tatters.

Is selling sex just another profession?


Iraq's Unspeakable Crime: Mothers Pimping Daughters

By Rania Abouzeid / Baghdad The Baghdad government refuses to recognize it as a problem but a huge underworld network exists, run by women who sell young girls

The word Facebook has made it into the dictionary. It has been included in the 2008 edition of the Collins English Dictionary as both a noun and a verb. Facebook lets users have a personal webpage where they can contact friends and display pictures.

‘Pimp’ and ‘poke’have new definitions in the dictionary related to Facebook.

The dictionary defines ‘pimp’ to make your page more attractive and ‘poke’ is defined as getting someones attention. According to The Sun a Collins’ spokesman said: “Facebook has been the phenomenon of 2007, with 200,000 signing up every day.” ananova

noun [C]拉皮條 be a pimp.
a man who controls prostitutes, especially by finding customers for them, and takes some of the money that they earn

verb [I]売春{ばいしゅん}あっせんをする、売春{ばいしゅん}の手引き{てびき}をする
a pig in a poke
something that you buy or accept without first seeing it or finding out whether it is good
