2017年6月13日 星期二

high-rise blaze, tower block, Eiffel Tower, open-lattice wrought iron , latticework, Tower of London

At Least 6 Dead in London Fire

The toll in the high-rise blaze was likely to rise, the authorities said. “In my 29 years of being a firefighter, I have never, ever seen anything of this scale,” the fire commissioner said.

BBC World Service 和其他 2 人都分享了 1 條連結

"Absolutely heartbreaking. The building is crumbling to its core."
Fire and rescue teams are racing against time to save those from the #GrenfellTower London fire. Eyewitness say residents have still been seen coming to their windows, crying out for help. bbc.in/2s947gN


Jacques Demarthon/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The Ministry of Culture in Paris.

Ministry of Culture
If you walk out of the Louvre and travel less than five minutes north, you can find a gem hidden in plain sight: the architect Francis Soler’s Ministry of Culture and Communication, which he completed about eight years ago. To unify a 19th-century classical building with a contemporary addition, he put a latticelike metallic screen (an abstraction of a Renaissance painting) over both. On a gray day, the covering disappears into the sky. On a bright day, it glows. The only public interior space is the ultramodern lobby, with lacy filaments hanging from the ceiling. It’s worth a visit, as the ministry offers free information about its cultural events here.

Eiffel Tower: was dedicated in Paris; designed by bridge engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the open-lattice wrought iron masterpiece was the tallest structure in the world at the time (1889)

Wikipedia article "Tower of London".

La Tour Eiffel エッフェル塔、青く変身 埃菲爾鐵塔

今天才注意到 取名為設計者

Eiffel Tower: was dedicated in Paris; designed by bridge engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the open-lattice wrought iron masterpiece was the tallest structure in the world at the time (1889)


Next Tuesday, the Eiffel Tower will be lit up in the blue and gold colours of Europe. The event will mark France taking over the presidency of the EU for the next six months.



艾菲尔铁塔(La Tour Eiffel, Paris, France) 在法国首都巴黎,各国游客最为集中的旅游景点无疑是艾菲尔铁塔。登上艾菲尔铁塔、俯瞰万城之冠的巴黎风光,这是每一位来到巴黎的访问者和游人最大的心愿。

約在1990年台灣的公視播過它的百年慶影片 相當精彩

, Delpire Editeur 1964, Hardcover.


埃菲爾鐵塔 La Tour Eiffel
