2017年6月28日 星期三

strenuous, laborer, brier, toil, toilsome, slow down, OK, blatant piece of plagiary

Cardinal George Pell said he 'strenuously denied' all the allegations.

In recent weeks the Chinese government has been making unusually strenuous efforts to block access to “virtual private networks” (VPNs). Foreign companies which provide them have been warning customers that these problems will persist as China’s countermeasures become ever more sophisticated http://econ.st/1CaYXx3

As in Japan, students in China tend to do their most strenuous studying in high school. In college, they can slow down, whether to pursue more diverse interests — or, like many students around the world, to spend a lot of time at parties.

F.B.I. Investigates Olympus Fee A pair of Japanese bankers toiled away in relative anonymity on Wall Street, hopping from firm to firm.

Now the two - Hajime Sagawa and Akio Nakagawa - are at the center of a growing firestorm over a mysterious $687 million payout by the Japanese company Olympus. The F.B.I. is now investigating the payment, according to two people briefed on the case. The focus of the investigation is not yet clear, and a spokesman for the F.B.I. in New York, James M. Margolin, declined to comment.

The money has been described as a fee for advising Olympus on the 2008 takeover of a British company, the Gyrus Group. But the fee amount was more than 30 times the norm on Wall Street. And it went, in part, to a tiny unknown firm run by Mr. Sagawa and Mr. Nakagawa, a review of public records shows.

"If you're going to stop a band playing every time some one has an accident, you'll lead a very strenuous life." 
- Katherine Mansfield, "The Garden Party"

曼殊裴兒小說集   徐志摩 著/譯 (1927)

園會: 要是每次有人碰著了意外,你的音樂隊就得停下來,你的一輩子也就夠受了。

"要是每回出事你都要取消樂隊,你的生活就太緊張了。" 頁159

Katherine Mansfield :徐志摩:《曼殊裴兒小說集》;《哀曼殊裴兒》。曼斯菲爾德《園會》



OK,  blatant piece of plagiary

Published: April 3, 2009

With 663,000 more jobs disappearing from the American economy last month, swelling the total number of jobs surrendered to the recession beyond five million, the government’s response to the downturn is being put to a strenuous test.

He had a strenuous objection to the poem "Suddenly What Sings in Me Dies of Boredom": it was a blatant piece of plagiary.

So then okay memoirs are a aspect of this, fictions are a part of this, and the growing use of diplomacy is a part of it, ....

"The Booker Prize changed my life in many ways," Mr. Rushdie said. "Before then my career as a writer was completely obscure. Overnight it wasn't. I gained confidence." Later he put it differently: "I walked into literary London as a stranger and I ran off with a check, which feels O.K."Salman Rushdie and Midnight's Children


(ō-kā'pronunciation Informal.
or o·kay n.pl. OK's or o·kays.
Approval; agreement: Get your supervisor's OK before taking a day off.
  1. Agreeable; acceptable: Was everything OK with your stay?
  2. Satisfactory; good: an OK fellow.
  3. Not excellent and not poor; mediocre: made an OK presentation.
  4. In proper or satisfactory operational or working order: Is the battery OK?
  5. Correct: That answer is OK.
  6. Uninjured; safe: The skier fell but was OK.
  7. Fairly healthy; well: Thanks to the medicine, the patient was OK.
Fine; well enough; adequately: a television that works OK despite its age.
Used to express approval or agreement.
tr.v.OK'ed or OK'd or o·kayedOK'·ing or o·kay·ingOK's or o·kays.
To approve of or agree to; authorize.
[Abbreviation of oll korrect, slang respelling of all correct.]
WORD HISTORY OK is a quintessentially American term that has spread from English to many other languages.
Its origin was the subject of scholarly debate for many years until Allen Walker Read showed that OK is based on a joke of sorts. OK is first recorded in 1839 but was probably in circulation before that date. During the 1830s there was a humoristic fashion in Boston newspapers to reduce a phrase to initials and supply an explanation in parentheses. Sometimes the abbreviations were misspelled to add to the humor. OK was used in March 1839 as an abbreviation for all correct, the joke being that neither the O nor the K was correct.
Originally spelled with periods, this term outlived most similar abbreviations owing to its use in President Martin Van Buren's 1840 campaign for reelection. Because he was born in Kinderhook, New York, Van Buren was nicknamed Old Kinderhook, and the abbreviation proved eminently suitable for political slogans.
That same year, an editorial referring to the receipt of a pin with the slogan O.K. had this comment: “frightful letters … significant of the birth-place of Martin Van Buren, old Kinderhook, as also the rallying word of the Democracy of the late election, ‘all correct’ .... Those who wear them should bear in mind that it will require their most strenuous exertions … to make all things O.K.”

describes something bad that is very obvious or intentional:
a blatant lie
The whole episode was a blatant attempt to gain publicity.

It was blatantly obvious that she was telling a lie.

needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy:
He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on the television.
His doctor advised him not to take any strenuous exercise.
Strenuous efforts were made throughout the war to disguise the scale of civilian casualties.

He strenuously denies all the allegations against him.
Most local residents strenuously object to the building proposals.

1 〈人・知力などが〉活発な, 精力的な, たゆまず奮闘努力する;〈行動・努力などが〉激しい
a strenuous existence
a strenuous dance
engage in strenuous activities
2 〈仕事などが〉多大な努力を要する, 骨のおれる
a strenuous examination


Requiring or using great effort or exertion:the government made strenuous efforts to upgradethe quality of the teaching profession


early 17th century: from Latin strenuus 'brisk' -ous.


━━ v. (他人の文章・考案などを)盗む, 剽窃(ひょうせつ)する ((from)).
 pla・gia・rism ━━ n. 剽窃(物).
 pla・gia・rist ━━ n. 剽窃者.
 ━━ n. 剽窃(者).

[Written also labourer.]
One who labors in a toilsome occupation; a person who does work that requires strength rather than skill, as distinguished from that of an artisan.

also bri·ar (brī'ər) pronunciation
Any of several prickly plants, such as certain rosebushes or the greenbrier.

[Middle English brer, from Old English brēr.]
briery bri'er·y adj.toil
(toil) pronunciation
intr.v., toiled, toil·ing, toils.
  1. To labor continuously; work strenuously.
  2. To proceed with difficulty: toiling over the mountains.
  1. Exhausting labor or effort: "A bit of the blackest and coarsest bread is . . . the sole recompense and the sole profit attaching to so arduous a toil" (George Sand). See synonyms at work.
  2. Archaic. Strife; contention.
[Middle English toilen, from Anglo-Norman toiler, to stir about, from Latin tudiculāre, from tudicula, a machine for bruising olives, diminutive of tudes, hammer.]
toiler toil'er n.

1 (…に)精を出して働く;(…に)こつこつ[せっせと]働く((away, on/at, on, over, through ...))
toil at [on, through] a task
toil away [on]
2 苦労して[骨折って]歩く[進む]
toil up a mountain path
toil (on) through a book
1 〈人・動物・頭脳などを〉疲れさせる.
2 〈仕事などを〉苦労して達成する((out));〈道などを〉苦労して進む.
3 〈土地を〉耕す.
1 [U]苦労, 骨折り, 労役;[C]一仕事. ▼骨が折れるつらい仕事に用いる
sparing no toil
This book is a toil to read.
2 ((古))闘争, 争い;戦闘.
[アングロフランス語←ラテン語tudiculāre (tundere打つ+-culus -cule+-āre=骨を折らせる)]

[形]〈生活・登山・旅などが〉つらい, 苦しい, 骨の折れる.
