2017年6月18日 星期日

easel, crease, nod, mock-up, up and down, up or down vote, up and running


Why Time Is Already Running Out For Trump And His Congress

Will they get their to-do list done? Capitol Hill's calendar is filled with recesses and holidays — and September is devoted to spending bills that keep the government up and running.
"Edouard Manet at His Easil," drawn portrait by Leon Augustin Lhermitte.

"If you will take a map of the United States and fold it in the middle, eastern edge against western, and crease it sharply, right in the crease will be Fargo."John Steinbeck in Travels with Charley

“We have got a vacancy to fill. We just felt like this judge deserved an up-and-down vote,” says Sen. John Thune.

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., joins Judy Woodruff to discuss why he defends his party’s move to change Republican rules in order to pave the way for the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and the potential for bipartisan cooperation for future legislative efforts, plus whether Congress is...

An up or down vote refers to a direct vote in the US House of Representatives or the US Senate (or indeed in a state senate) on an amendment bill. It is sometimes referred to as a "clean vote." Members vote yea or nay on the matter rather thanvoting on a related procedural maneuver.

Up or down vote - Wikipedia


up and down
phrase of up
  1. 1.
    to and fro.

    "pacing up and down in front of her desk"
  2. 2.
    in various places throughout.

    "in clubs up and down the country"

up and down Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary


up and downadverb. /ˈʌp·ənˈdɑʊn/ › in one direction and then in the opposite direction, esp. repeatedly: The dog was running up and down the path. 

With a nod to classical themes, the sculpture represents the head of a poet. But this particular head — a bald one with a scratchy beard and deeply creased brow — looms large at seven feet tall. It is made out of white plaster instead of clay or stone. It is modern in scale and feel.

Diana Michener for The New York Times
Jim Dine at a warehouse near Walla Walla, Wash., with his self-portrait and a mockup of his poem “The Flowering Sheets.”


mock-up stage 実験段階.

nod Show phonetics
verb [I or T] -dd-
to move your head down and then up, sometimes repeatedly, especially to show agreement, approval or greeting or to show something by doing this:
Many people in the audience nodded in agreement.
When I suggested a walk, Elena nodded enthusiastically.
She looked up and nodded for me to come in.
Compare shake (MOVE).

nod Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular]
Chen gave her a nod of recognition across the crowded room.

  1. A forward or up-and-down movement of the head, usually expressive of drowsiness or agreement: a nod of affirmation.
  2. An indication of approval or assent: The contestant got the nod from the judges.


  1. A line made by pressing, folding, or wrinkling.
  2. Sports.
    1. A rectangular area marked off in front of the goal in hockey and lacrosse.
    2. One of the lines in cricket marking off the positions of the bowler and batter or the space between two of these lines.

v., creased, creas·ing, creas·es. v.tr.
  1. To make a pressed, folded, or wrinkled line in.
  2. To graze or wound superficially with a bullet.
To become wrinkled.
[Alteration of creaste, perhaps from Middle English creste, ridge. See crest.]
creaseless crease'less adj.
creaseproof crease'proof' adj.
creaser creas'er n.
creasy creas'y adj.

n. - 褶縫, 褶痕, 界限線, 皺痕
v. tr. - 使起褶痕, 擦傷, 弄皺
v. intr. - 起褶縫, 起褶痕, 起皺
  • crease resistant 不起皺褶的
  • crease up 折出折縫

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - ひだ, しわ, 投手の限界線, マレー人の短剣
v. - 折り目を付ける, しわにする, かすり弾で参らせる


━━ n., v. ひだ[折り目](がつく,をつける); 【球技】特定の区域[ポジション]境界(線); 弾丸でかすり傷を負わせる; 〔英話〕 大笑いさせる ((up)).
