Betz has congenital insensitivity to pain, or CIP. It means he can place his hand in boiling water or undergo an operation without anaesthetic, and yet feel no discomfort whatsoever. In every other way, his sensory perceptions are normal. He sweats when a room is too hot, and shudders at the biting chill of a cold wind. But like almost all who suffer from CIP, Betz finds his condition a curse rather than a blessing.
The American Heart Association says children with congenital heart disease should be checked regularly for cognitive and other developmental disorders.
Obama's big speech fails to soar
Years later, Mr. Safire called Hillary Clinton a “congenital liar” in print. Mrs. Clinton said she was offended only for her mother’s sake. But a White House aide said that Bill Clinton, “if he were not the president, would have delivered a more forceful response on the bridge of Mr. Safire’s nose.”
Mr. Safire was delighted, especially with the proper use of the conditional.
Taken as a whole, the exhibition conveys not only the remarkable scope of his interests, which ranged from affordable housing to reimagining the American city, but also the astonishing cohesiveness of that vision
— an achievement that has been matched by only one or two other architects in the 20th century.
“I have no idea whether her daughter was murdered or died from an ectopic pregnancy but my role is to stand on the side of the disadvantaged individual who goes up against the power of the state,” the Butcher says.
吴淦表示:“我不知道她的女儿是死于谋杀,还是宫外孕,但我的角色,是站在反抗国家权 力的弱势个体的一边。”
a.(Med.) Out of place; congenitally displaced; as, an ectopic organ.
ectópic prégnancy[ectópic prégnancy]
- Of or relating to a condition that is present at birth, as a result of either heredity or environmental influences: a congenital heart defect; congenital syphilis.
- Being or having an essential characteristic as if by nature; inherent or inveterate: "the congenital American optimism that denies conflicts and imagines all stories having happy endings" (Robert J. Samuelson). See synonims at innate.
[From Latin congenitus : com-, com- + genitus, born, past participle of gignere, to bear.]
congenitally con·gen'i·tal·ly adv.congenital[con・gen・i・tal]
- 発音記号[kəndʒénətl]
- 密着{みっちゃく}、まとまり、結束{けっそく}
- cohesiveness of group
- 集団{しゅうだん}の凝集性{ぎょうしゅう せい}
- group cohesiveness
- 集団凝集性{しゅうだん ぎょうしゅうせい}
- help the team improve its cohesiveness
- チームの一体感{いったいかん}を高めさせる
- political cohesiveness
- 政治的結束{せいじ てき けっそく}
- strengthen APEC cohesiveness
- APEC としての一体性{いったい せい}を高める
- The act, process, or condition of cohering: exhibited strong cohesion in the family unit.
- Physics. The intermolecular attraction by which the elements of a body are held together.
- Botany. The congenital union of parts of the same kind, such as a calyx of five united sepals.
[From Latin cohaesus, past participle of cohaerēre, to cling together. See cohere.]
cohesive co·he'sive (-sĭv, -zĭv) adj.cohesively co·he'sive·ly adv.
cohesiveness co·he'sive·ness n.
n. - 結合, 內聚, 凝聚
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 結合, 団結, 凝集力