2017年1月29日 星期日

carriage, grande, grande dame, clientele,

What a grande gesture.

Coffee chain unveils plan to hire staff first in US and then across its global operations amid ‘deep concern’ over president’s order

Time Warner Cable said it reached a deal with Viacom on carriage fees, avoiding a blackout of 19 cable channels including MTV and Comedy Central.

Germany's grande dame of fashion would have celebrated her 100th birthday on Tuesday, July 28. In post-war Germany, Aenne Burda won the hearts of women with a simple idea: a magazine with sewing patterns.

Once a Hostess, Now a Bar’s Grande Dame

Published: May 12, 2008

Show up at the storied Café des Artistes anytime after 6:30 most evenings, and you might notice an elderly woman nursing a glass of red wine at the bar, her carriage erect, her suit jacket immaculate, her gaze resting nowhere in particular. Her small smile suggests that she’s not waiting for anyone, and that she’s comfortable with that. She’s old enough that even among the restaurant’s graying clientele, she stands out. Maybe you’d even avoid an empty seat next to her, for fear it might open the door to a rambling tirade about some government conspiracy involving vitamins or aluminum foil.

Grande means "large" or "great" in many of the Romance languages

grande dame

(grănd' dăm', gränd' däm') pronunciation
n., pl. grandes dames also grand dames (grănd' dăm', gränd' däm').
  1. A highly respected elderly or middle-aged woman.
  2. A respected woman having extensive experience in her field: the grande dame of women's professional tennis.
[French : grande, great + dame, lady.]

carriage (BODY MOVEMENT)
noun [U] FORMAL
the way in which a person moves or keeps their body when they are standing, sitting or walking

  1. A wheeled vehicle, especially a four-wheeled horse-drawn passenger vehicle, often of an elegant design.
  2. Chiefly British. A railroad passenger car.
  3. A baby carriage.
  4. A wheeled support or frame for carrying a heavy object, such as a cannon.
  5. A moving part of a machine for holding or shifting another part: the carriage of a typewriter.
    1. The act or process of transporting or carrying.
    2. (kăr'ē-ĭj) The cost of or the charge for transporting.
  6. The manner of holding and moving one's head and body; bearing. See synonyms at posture.
  7. Archaic. Management; administration.
[Middle English cariage, from Norman French, from Old North French carier, to carry. See carry.]


  ━━ n. 乗物, 馬車; 〔英〕 (鉄道の)客車; 台車; 乳母車; (機械の)往復台, (タイプライターの)キャリッジ, 運び台; 【コンピュータ】紙送り機構; (車輪付の)砲架; 運搬; 運賃; 身のこなし, 姿勢, 態度.

adjective APPROVING
1 perfectly clean or tidy:
dressed in an immaculate white suit
an immaculate garden

2 perfect and without any mistakes:
He gave an immaculate performance as the aging hero.

immaculately dressed



━━ n. ((集合的に;単複両扱い)) 訴訟依頼人; 顧客, 常連.
