2017年1月1日 星期日

succulent, reveller, stuff (EAT), So Many Tomatoes to Stuff yourself

Some people won't be having a happy new year!
It was a wild night of celebrations and booze-fuelled mayhem on the streets of Britain last night as revellers welcomed in 2017 - and no one was wrapping…

This year's solstice celebrations saw revellers facing a ban on alcohol and drugs for the first time, in a bid to curb "drunken and disrespectful behaviour"


A Good Appetite

So Many Tomatoes to Stuff in a Week

Published: August 22, 2007

OF all the produce that tastes amazingly better in season —peaches and apricots, strawberries and peas — none inspires the same cultish devotion as summer tomatoes.

Meaty and succulent, their velvety flesh enclosing a fragrant jelly of golden seeds and dripping with sweet pink juice, summer tomatoes are everything their cold-weather counterparts aren’t, including cheap and abundant.

Right now farmers’ markets are rich with them: a dizzying profusion of scarlet beefsteaks, mini red and orange cherries and luminous lumpy heirlooms ranging from mild yellow Striped Germans to tart, intense, mauve-hued Brandywines. Swooning in their midst, I can’t seem to walk away without bags of them.
Once I get them home, though, I’m left wondering, What the heck am I going to do with all these tomatoes? How fast I can consume my purple Krims and Green Zebras before they ooze into a sticky puddle?
As I contemplated my most recent load of beauties, in hues from amethyst to gold and even a few unripe greens, it almost seemed a shame to eat them. But it would be more of a shame not to.
If I really wanted to take full advantage of their delectability, and to eat them every day, a plan was in order. So I summoned all the great tomato dishes I’ve ever eaten, compiling a list of the easiest, most varied and most tomatoey of the lot.

stuff (EAT)
stuff yourself to eat a lot:
They'd been stuffing themselves with snacks all afternoon, so they didn't want any dinner.

adjective APPROVING
Succulent food is pleasantly juicy:
a succulent peach.
a big piece of succulent steak

The grilled chicken had a wonderful flavour and succulence.

beautiful; giving great pleasure:
a delectable cheesecake
I spent the next week in decadent tomato revelry. Here’s a chronicle of my grand tomato tour.

verb [I] -ll- or US USUALLY -l- LITERARY
to dance, drink, sing, etc. at a party or in public, especially in a noisy way

reveller UK, US reveler
noun [C]
On New Year's Eve, thousands of revellers fill Trafalgar Square.

revelry noun [C usually plural; U] LITERARY
Sounds of revelry came from next door.
The revelries next door kept me awake all night.
