2013年2月1日 星期五

dinosaur, labored, unlabored panache, verve, magus

 The fact is, there were always going to be a lot of fish in “Vingt mille lieues sous les mers.” When a publishing house commissioned me to produce a new translation of Jules Verne’s 19th-century underwater epic, I was confident of bringing a degree of joyous panache to the story of Captain Nemo, his submarine, the Nautilus and that giant killer squid. But I had forgotten about its systematic taxonomy of all the inhabitants of the seven seas.

The NYSE-Deutsche Börse Merger: Building a Powerhouse or a Dinosaur?
The proposed merger between the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Deutsche Börse (DB) could mean big changes for the American icon, which heralds the opening of the markets each day with the ring of a bell. Although experts say an NYSE listing is still the sign of a blue-chip company, exchanges are struggling to remain relevant in a high-tech financial world. Similar pacts are proliferating between other exchanges as the organizations try to stay one step ahead of an increasingly interconnected global market. Can a combination of DB's business might -- and NYSE's marketing panache -- turn the tide?

At 65, the British scholar Marina Warner is a veteran magus, and an adept mythographer of the vast global traditions of magic, metaphor and myth. Also an accomplished novelist, she augments her learning with her narrative skills. As a fan of her prolific enterprise for the last ­quarter-century, I regret that I have never met her, so delightful is her verve.

 On the downside, don't expect the Dream to be anywhere near as slick and shiny as the iPhone. T-Mobile may be much loved among teens for its colorful, flip-screen Sidekick, but the HTC Dream has a more staid look that lacks the iPhone's panache. Plus, no one can turn on the hype machine quite as well as Steve Jobs. But whatever the Dream may lack in flair, it's no less of a breakthrough when it comes to giving mobile-phone buyers more ways to connect on the go.

[名][U]1 ((文))(芸術作品などにみられる)熱情, 力, 気迫, (一般に)活気, 気力.2 ((古))才, 才能.
(vûrv) pronunciation
  1. Energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas, especially in artistic performance or composition: The revival lacked the verve of the original musical.
  2. Vitality; liveliness. See synonyms at vigor.
  3. Archaic. Aptitude; talent.
[French, from Old French, fanciful expression, probably from Vulgar Latin *verva, from Latin verba, pl. of verbum, word.]

Follow the Burrata to a Familiar Place
While not too many dishes rise far above pleasant and some don’t reach that bar, Gemma has an unlabored panache that makes an evening go down very easy.

**** La panache
panache 嗎,『goo 辭典』說━━ n. とした様子, かっこよさ .
Shorter O.E.D. 說是:Flamboyantly or stylish confident behaviour; a manner marked by this.
比較通俗的 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 說是:
a stylish, original and very confident way of doing things that makes people admire you:
The orchestra played with great panache.
He dressed with panache.
《大鼻子情聖》( Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand),我要採用王若壁翻譯本(台北:遠流, 1994)結尾處( p.366):
羅珊妮: ( 俯身看他,吻他的額頭 ) 那是什麼呢?
西哈諾: (睜開眼,認出是她, 對她微笑) 我帽子上的白羽毛*
* 原文 La panache ,帽上飾羽,亦可以引申為傲氣、神氣、威風等義。(p.373
panache在我的gmail 之中亦有數處:
又, 2005915日紐約時報之 The resurrection of Steve Jobs
When businessmen try to rub shoulders with pop stars, the effect is usually embarrassing. But "Steve" had arranged to have his pal, Madonna, pop up on screen and kidded around with her with panache. Does she have an iPod? Of course she has! "That's so duh," said the superstar playfully. Then Mr Jobs segued into his announcements—a new mobile phone from Motorola that has iTunes, Apple's music software, pre-installed and that represents a beachhead into the world of phones; and the "iPod nano", a new digital music-player that is thinner than a pencil, but still holds 1,000 songs.
(kid around  〔話〕 (人を)かつぐ .kid around phrasal verb US INFORMAL
to be silly or not serious:
Stop kidding around and listen to me!
verb [I]
━━ vi. 【楽】間をおかず演奏する .
to move easily and without interruption from one piece of music, part of a story, subject or situation to another:
His performance of 'Alison' segued into a cover version of 'Tracks of My Tears'.)

Panache is a French word for which there is no English equivalent, but carries the connotation of reckless courage.

n. ━━ n. 堂々とした様子, かっこよさ.
  1. Dash; verve.
  2. A bunch of feathers or a plume, especially on a helmet.
[French, plume, verve, from Italian pinnacchio, plume, from Late Latin pinnāculum, diminutive of Latin pinna, feather, wing.] panache(pə-năsh', -näsh') pronunciation

(pə-năsh', -näsh') pronunciation
  1. Dash; verve.
  2. A bunch of feathers or a plume, especially on a helmet.
[French, plume, verve, from Italian pinnacchio, plume, from Late Latin pinnāculum, diminutive of Latin pinna, feather, wing.]


('nə-sôr') pronunciation
  1. Any of various extinct, often gigantic, carnivorous or herbivorous reptiles of the orders Saurischia and Ornithischia that were chiefly terrestrial and existed during the Mesozoic Era.
  2. A relic of the past: "living dinosaurs of the world of vegetation" (John Olmsted).
  3. One that is hopelessly outmoded or unwieldy: "The old, big-city teaching hospital is a dinosaur" (Peggy Breault).
[New Latin Dīnosauria, group name, from Dīnosaurus, former genus name : Greek deinos, monstrous + Greek sauros, lizard.]
dinosauric di'no·sau'ric (-sôr'ĭk) adj.

(adjective) Requiring or showing effort.
Usage:He knocked again, harder than before, for behind him he heard the steps and the labored breathing of his persecutors.
