2013年2月9日 星期六

oft, thud, plunk, folder, twang, differentiate, oft-maligned

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

U.S. Business and Labor Unite on Immigration
Oft-feuding groups have allied to help illegal immigrants gain citizenship.

For More Pianos, Last Note Is Thud in the Dump
A century after the peak of American piano manufacturing, the dump is increasingly the destination for instruments that are unwanted or too expensive to maintain.
Political Memo

Similar Twang, but 2 Texans Are Divided

Gov. Rick Perry, in 2002 with George W. Bush, is disliked by the Bush clan, and has worked to differentiate himself from the former president and his oft-maligned legacy.

Guy Loses Girlfriend Due To Blackberry Outage .... "Usually, tourists go to
Brussels (nice Grand Place, museums, .... How about if you take a violin
virtuoso and plunk him in street clothes during rush hour in DC? ... I say this
as a blogger and moderator for one of the Internet's largest technology
communities. ...

You can now set up shared folders in either direction. That is, you can plunk the icon of a Macintosh-world folder right there in your Windows world, for easy opening, or vice-versa.

  1. One that folds or is folded, such as a booklet or pamphlet made of one or more folded sheets of paper.
  2. A flexible cover folded in the center and used as a holder for loose paper: a file folder; a hanging folder.
  3. A subdivision of the hard disk for organizing data. Folders contain files as well as other folders (subfolders), and they expand to accommodate content because they are not a fixed, physical entity. Folders create the illusion of compartments, but actually exist as electronic tables of contents.

plunk (plŭngk) pronunciation

also plonk (plŏngk, plŭngk)

v., plunked, also plonked, plunk·ing, plonk·ing, plunks, plonks. v.tr.
  1. To throw or place heavily or abruptly: plunked the money down on the counter.
  2. To strum or pluck (a stringed instrument).
  1. To drop or fall abruptly or heavily; plump: plunked onto the couch with a sigh of relief.
  2. To emit a hollow twanging sound.
  1. Informal. A heavy blow or stroke.
  2. A short hollow twanging sound.
adv. Informal
  1. With a short hollow thud.
  2. Exactly; precisely: The dart landed plunk in the center of the target.
plunker plunk'er n.
plunky plunk'y adj.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[θʌ'd]
1 ドン[ドスン, ゴツン](という音)
He fell to the floor with a thud.
2 ゴツン[ドシン]という一撃.
━━[動](〜・ded, 〜・ding)(他)…をドン[ゴツン]と打つ.
━━(自)(…に)ドスンと当たる[響く];〈心臓が〉ドキドキする, 高鳴る. 


(twăng) pronunciation

v., twanged, twang·ing, twangs. v.intr.
  1. To emit a sharp, vibrating sound, as the string of a musical instrument does when it is plucked.
  2. To resound with a sharp, vibrating sound.
  3. To speak in a strongly nasal tone of voice.
  1. To cause to make a sharp, vibrating sound: twanged the car antenna.
  2. To utter with a strongly nasal tone of voice.
  1. A sharp, vibrating sound, as that of a plucked string.
  2. A strongly nasal tone of voice, especially as a peculiarity of certain regional dialects.
twangy twang'y adj.

(ôft, ŏft) pronunciation
Often. Often used in combination: his oft-expressed philosophy; oft-repeated tales.

[Middle English, from Old English.]  
oft [ɒft]
short for often (archaic or poetic except in combination  such as oft-repeated and oft-recurring)
[Old English oft; related to Old High German ofto]
