2013年2月12日 星期二

jobless rate bolts, to make a bolt for the exit, “like a bolt out of the blue,”

Statement Surprises Rome and the World
The pope’s announcement, made at a routine meeting, came “like a bolt out of the blue,” said a participant.
晴天霹靂“like a bolt out of the blue,”

Who Will Profit When Google Exits from China?

By Bill Powell / Shanghai
Microsoft's Bing is sharpening its knives over Google China's potential exit over the search-engine censorship issue, but so are the aggressive, ambitious companies Baidu, Tencent and Sohu.com

US jobless rate bolts to 14-year high of 6.5 percent

In the United States, there is new evidence that the economy is headed into a recession, as the unemployment rate has reached a 14-year high. Figures released by the US Labour Department show that the US economy shed 240,000 jobs in October. As a result, the jobless rate climbed to 6.5 percent last month from 6.1 percent in September. That is the highest that it has been since March 1994. US employers have cut jobs every month this year.

bolt (MOVE QUICKLY) Show phonetics
verb [I]
to move very fast, especially as a result of being frightened:
Frightened by the car horn, the horse bolted.

bolt Show phonetics
make a bolt for somewhere to try to escape by running towards something:
The thief tried to make a bolt for the exit.
