Shared Supercomputing and Everyday Research
By ASHLEE VANCE A drop in the price of supercomputers and other advances are pulling down the high walls around computing-intensive research, possibly democratizing the field.
Media Decoder Blog
Rare Music Videos, for a Price
A new company is selling downloads of about 100 videos of classic moments in rock and rhythm and blues.
Best Buy uses the Fast technology today to provide on-the-fly pricing information to customers performing product searches on its Web site.
In a hurry, on the run, as in I picked up some groceries on the fly. The transfer of this expression, which literally means "in midair or in flight," dates from the mid-1800s.
de·moc·ra·tize (dĭ-mŏk'rə-tīz')
tr.v., -tized, -tiz·ing, -tiz·es.
To make democratic.
democratization de·moc'ra·ti·za'tion (-tĭ-zā'shən) n.
- The amount as of money or goods, asked for or given in exchange for something else.
- The cost at which something is obtained: believes that the price of success is hard work.
- The cost of bribing someone: maintained that every person has a price.
- A reward offered for the capture or killing of a person: a felon with a price on his head.
- Archaic. Value or worth.
- To fix or establish a price for: shoes that are priced at sixty dollars.
- To find out the price of: spent the day pricing dresses.
price out of the market
- To eliminate the demand for (goods or services) by setting prices too high.
[Middle English pris, from Old French, from Latin pretium.]
priceable price'a·ble adj.pricer pric'er n.
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