2013年2月19日 星期二

jujube, kumquat, corn maze, amaze, "K-9 dog" , canine

Taiwan will begin exporting jujubes to Japan early next year as part of an effort to expand the overseas market for the fruit, a breeder said yesterday.
“Japan will be our first market that conducts quarantine procedures for the tropical fruit,” said Chiou Chu-ying, a researcher at the Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station in southern Taiwan.

........要不要學學人家英國用書籍建迷宮?作為與2012年夏季奧運同步的倫敦藝術節的揭幕活動,七月二十六日倫敦Southbank藝術中心的Clore Ballroom裡,巴西藝術家Marcos SaboyaGualter Pupo將打造一座巨型圖書maze。迷宮佔地五千平方英尺,由二十五萬本圖書堆疊環繞而成,書牆高四公尺。這個創意來自終身癡愛圖書館和迷宮的阿根廷盲人作家Jorge Borges。這座名為The aMAZEme的迷宮,訴求民眾參與,一書一磚集體建造知識的趣味城堡,目前籌辦單位也緊鑼密鼓,在網站公告,徵集愛書志工共襄盛舉。讓愛書人自己在圖書迷宮游走,感受人類心智的華麗風景,對比牽拖一本書逛大街的發想,反差的何止是文化品位?2012-07-24中國時報【顧秀賢】
《中英對照讀新聞》Family gets lost, calls police from Danvers corn maze 迷路的一家人從丹沃斯玉米迷宮中致電報警

One family got more mystery than they bargained for when they took an outing to a corn maze -- they got lost among the stalks as it got dark and needed the police to get them out, the owner said.

Around 6:35 p.m., Danvers police received a call from a family who couldn’t find their way out of the seven-acre corn maze at Connor’s Farm in Danvers, and were getting nervous because it was dark. A police officer and K-9 unit quickly located the family.

"We design the maze so that people get lost," said Bob Connors, owner of the farm.

Though the farm closes at 6 p.m., they let guests continue to walk around the maze past closing time, and farm staff attends the maze until the last guest has left, Connors said.

"We don’t like to rush people out of the maze. We like to give people their money’s worth," Connors said. "I’m sure they won’t be the last family who gets lost in there."

get lost:片語,迷路;叫人走開(非正式用法)。例句:Get lost! I don’t need your help.(走開啦!我不需要你的幫忙。)
bargain(for):動詞,期待,預期。例句:He got more than he bargained for.(他得到的比他預期的還要多。)
find one’s way out(of something):片語,脫身,擺脫;想出解決之道。例句:Life will find its way out.(生命自有出口。)


  • 2010-09-18
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/賴沁沁】

礁溪鄉公所與蘭陽技術學院助理教授陳韻如合作,製作「全台最大金棗養生月餅」,這個大月餅光是餡料就有240公斤,包含180公斤的白豆 沙、50公斤的金棗、10公斤的無鹽奶油;餅皮的部份,用了80公斤的粉料、100罐鮮奶、50條奶油、煉乳、白蘭地、糖粉等,總重量600台斤,在傍晚 切開供1,500人食用,金棗大月餅的另一個特色,餅皮不是用烤的,而是採用「冰皮」食材,沁涼的口感,在炎炎夏日清涼又消暑,就像吃冰淇淋一樣。
Jumbo mooncake amazes eastern Taiwan
Focus Taiwan News Channel
18 (CNA) A kumquat "snow-skin" mooncake, touted as the largest mooncake ever made in Taiwan, was unveiled in eastern Taiwan's Yilan County on Saturday. ...
See all stories on this topic »

Focus Taiwan News Channe

  1. Any of several trees or shrubs of the genus Fortunella, having small, edible, orangelike fruit.
  2. The fruit of these plants, having an acid pulp and a thin, edible rind. It is the smallest of the citrus fruits.
[Chinese (Cantonese) kamkwat, equivalent to Chinese (Mandarin) xīn, gold + Chinese (Mandarin) , orange, tangerine.]

n. - 金橘, 金錢桔樹

A police dog, often referred to as a "K-9 dog" in some areas (which is a homophone of canine), is a dog that is trained specifically to assist police and other law-enforcement personnel in their work. One commonly used breed is the German Shepherd, although now Belgian Malinois are popular dogs to use. In many jurisdictions the intentional injuring or killing of a police dog is a felony,[1] subjecting the perpetrator to harsher penalties than those in the statutes embodied in local animal cruelty laws,[2] just as an assault on a human police officer is often a more serious offense than the same assault on a non-officer.


  • 発音記号[kéinain]
1 犬の(ような).
2 《解剖学》犬歯の.
1 イヌ科の動物;犬.
2 犬歯(canine tooth).


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[méiz]
1 迷路, 迷宮(labyrinth)
a maze of streets
2 ((a 〜))当惑, 混乱, 紛糾.
━━[動](他)((通例受身))((主に方言))当惑させる, 混乱させる.
[中英語amasen. △AMAZE


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[əméiz]
[動](他)(あまりにも意外で)…をびっくりさせる, 驚きあきれさす
That amazes me.
[古英語āmasian (a-動作点を強調する接頭辞+masian困らす)]
