2013年2月5日 星期二

tour, tourism, journey, flight, voyage, detour, deviation, Deviationism, for the long haul

On a Guided Tour
On a Guided Tour
戴久永老師提過此問:tour, journey,flight, voyage,等字的異同抄自網路多

Ash blanket leads Merkel on detour odyssey through Europe

A normal flight from San Francisco to Berlin can take up to 12 hours,
depending on conditions. When a blanket of volcanic ash is covering Europe,
the journey can take a bit longer. Just ask Chancellor Angela Merkel...

The DW-WORLD Article

Economic Downturn Took a Detour at Capitol Hill

Rarely has the financial divide appeared so wide, or the public contrast so stark, between lawmakers and those they represent.

Deviationism, an expressed belief which is not in accordance with official party doctrine.

What would traveling to new destinations be without the guided tour? Born two hundred years ago today, Thomas Cook came up with the idea for group excursions in 1841, leading several hundred campaigners from Leicester to Loughborough and charging them a flat rate for their train tickets and lunch. He established his own tourist agency and began leading groups around Europe and, later, to the United States.

"We have a great blueprint from years past, and we will follow that," the mayor said. "But we will start to make exceptions and deviations because, by everyone's estimation, we will have crowds that will be two, three, maybe even four times as large as the largest inaugural. . . . One of the biggest exceptions would be to open up the Mall."

Abroad, Bailout Is Seen as a Free Market Detour

In rescuing A.I.G., Washington has likely undercut future efforts to promote free market policies abroad.

Taiwan offers incentives at Taipei Travel Fair
Monsters and Critics.com - Glasgow,UK
Taipei - In a move to boost its slow-growing tourism industry, Taiwan Friday unveiled a package of incentives to local and foreign travel agents at the 2007 ...

The Rise of Medical Tourism

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5814.htmlMedical tourism—traveling far and wide for health care that is often better and certainly cheaper than at home—appeals to patients with complaints ranging from heart ailments to knee pain. Why is India leading in the globalization of medical services? Q&A with Harvard Business School's Tarun Khanna.

I Took a Web Detour, and Now I Feel Better
Yes, the Internet offers distractions, but they can make us more efficient for the long haul.


('tʊr', dĭ-tʊr') n.
  1. A roundabout way or course, especially a road used temporarily instead of a main route.
  2. A deviation from a direct course of action.
intr. & tr.v., -toured, -tour·ing, -tours.
To go or cause to go by a roundabout way.
[French détour, from Old French destor, from destorner, to turn away : des-, de- + torner, to turn; see turn.]

  • 発音記号[díːtuər]
[名]回り道, 迂(う)回路;遠回り
make [take] a detour
━━[動]((主に米))(自)〈人・車などが〉遠回りする, 迂回する
detour around a fallen tree
━━(他)〈人・車などを〉遠回りさせる;〈場所などを〉迂回する, 避けて通る.

Show phonetics
1 [C] a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look round the place or area and learn about it:
We went on a guided tour of/UK ALSO round the cathedral/museum/factory.
A bus took us on a sightseeing tour of the city.
a tour guide

2 [C] a journey made for pleasure, especially as a holiday, visiting several different places in an area:
a cycling tour of Provence
They've just come back from a tour of/UK ALSO round Devon and Cornwall.
Tour operators (= companies which arrange holidays for people) have reported a drop in bookings.

3 [C or U] a planned visit to several places in a country or area made for a special purpose, such as by a politician, sports team or group of entertainers:
a lecture/concert tour
The Queen is making a two-week tour of Australia.
She is performing in Birmingham tonight, on the third leg of (= stage of) her nationwide tour.
The England cricket team is currently on tour in Pakistan.

tour Show phonetics
1 [I or T] to go on a tour somewhere:
[+ preposition] We spent a month touring (around/round/in) Kenya.
The New Zealand team will be touring (in) Europe this winter.
The President toured US military bases yesterday.
The band are currently touring to promote their new album.

2 [T] If a play tours a particular area, it is performed in several places there:
The play will be performed first in London, and will then tour the rest of the country.

touring Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
a touring opera company

Tour as a noun often refers to people, for example pop stars, traveling from city to city:
The Rolling Stones have been on tour for two months now. You can use it as verb: They are touring Europe.
j a guided tour(有導遊嚮導的旅行)
k a tour of inspection(考察旅行)
l I called the travel agency to cancel my tour to Australia.

trip, journey, travel, tour, flight, voyage
 Trip and journey are practically synonymous. Trip is more colloquial and used to be 
a slang word 150 years ago. Examples:

He made a trip to China. 
He made a journey to China. 
He has made several trips to Africa. 
He has made several journeys to Africa.
j go on a sightseeing trip to ~ (到~去觀光旅行)
k make a business trip to ~ (到~出差)
l We have been planning on a trip to Europe.(我們正計畫到歐洲旅行)

j Its a three months’ journey.
= Its a three-month journey.
= Its a journey of three months.(這是為期三個月的旅行)
k I dont want to make/take a long journey to Africa.(我不想到非洲長期旅行)
 Travel is more often a verb than a noun: He traveled/travelled around the world.
As a noun it is usually in the plural: His travels took him to distant corners of the world. 
John Steinbect wrote a book called Travels With Charley
However, you can say a travel agency.
3.travel」是旅行之意義中含意最廣的字,特別用於到遠方或長時間的旅行,多用動詞表示。用於名詞則是make a sea/an air travel go on a sea/an air travel
j travel abroad/oversea  (到海外旅行)
k travel agency  (旅行社)
l He has traveled all over Japan.(他已經遊遍了日本)

j book/cancel a flight  (預定/取消  班機)
k Ill take a 9:30 flight to Hualien.  (我將搭九點半的班機到花蓮)
l Did you have a good flight? (你這次的飛行還順利嗎?)

j take/make/go on a voyage.(出去航海、出國旅行)
k The voyage from America to France used to take two months.


verb [I]
1 to do something which is different from the usual or common way of behaving:
The recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for this time of year.

2 to go in a different direction:
The path follows the river closely, occasionally deviating round a clump of trees.

noun [C or U]
Any deviation from the party's faith is seen as betrayal.

━━ n., v. 観光旅行(をする); 周遊(する); 巡業(する); (海外)勤務期間; (工場の)交代.
make a tour of …を一巡りする.
on tour 周遊[巡業]中で.
Tour de France
 (the ~) ツール・ド・フランス ((フランスと周辺各国を回る長距離自転車レース;毎年開催)).
touring car (旧式の)大型オープンカー.
touring company 地方巡業の一座.
 ━━ n. 観光旅行; 観光事業.
 ━━ n. 旅行者, 観光客; =tourist class.
tour・ist・y  a. 〔軽蔑〕 観光客があふれている; 観光客めあての.
tourist agency 旅行案内社[代理店].
tourist bureau 旅行案内所.
tourist class (客船・旅客機の)ツーリストクラス.
tourist court 〔米〕 =motel.
tourist home 民宿.
tourist information office, tourist office 旅行案内所.
tourist ticket 周遊券.
tourist trap 客を食い物にする観光地.
tour of duty (軍人・外交官の海外)在任期間.
tour operator パック旅行専門業者.


━━ n. 観光旅行; 観光事業.
