2024年4月12日 星期五

authentic, authenticity, soft power, method acting. As growth in the game industry accelerates, game makers pursue increased global attention through new strategies.

As growth in the game industry accelerates, game makers pursue increased global attention through new strategies. Japanese game companies, once undisputed champions, now face competition to survive.

China needs more authenticity to successfully woo the world

China has spent the last 30 years taking over Western technology and management methods. Now, it wants to increase its soft power, but as the recent row over the Frankfurt book fair shows, that is easier said than done.

"She is so unique in her approach that no matter how much her designs have changed over the years, all of them are still legibly saying, “I am Zaha,” “I am Zaha.”... 
[S]he was like a method actor who became her work and in the process confirmed both its authenticity and its beauty... 
Today, the world is suddenly a less authentic and a less beautiful place."[2]


2. 我是薩哈,MIT 建築規劃學院院長 Hashim Sarkis 個人臉書專文:JE SUIS ZAHA 


脈絡下的authentic 不只是真,可能是"本尊"的真。

confirmed 不是"演繹",是證實、鞏固、確定

method acting  スタニスラフスキー方式の演技.


Pronunciation: /ɔːˈθɛntɪk/ 


1Of undisputed origin and not a copygenuine:the letter is now accepted as an authentic document
1.1Made or done in the traditional or original way, or in a way that faithfully resembles an original:the restaurant serves authentic Italian mealsevery detail of the film was totally authentic
1.2Based on facts; accurate or reliable: 確實an authentic depiction of the situation
1.3(In existentialist philosophy) relating to or denoting an emotionally appropriate, significantpurposive, and responsible mode of human life.
2Music (Of a church mode) containing notes between the final (the principal note) and thenote an octave higher. Compare with plagal.


Late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin authenticus, from Greek authentikos'principal, genuine'.
  1. [形容詞]
  2. 1 真正の,本物の
    • an authentic antique
    • 本物の古美術品
  3. 2 (異論の余地のない)典拠のある;確証された
    • an authentic work of the old master
    • (15世紀から18世紀の)巨匠のものと太鼓判を押された名画.
  4. 3 (既知の事実・経験と合致して)信頼[信用]できる,確かな
  5. 4 〔法律〕 真正な,真の作成者による;法律上要求される方式をすべて備えた.
  6. 5 〔音楽〕 正格の.
  7. (1)(教会旋法で)音域が終止音からオクターブ上の終止音まで及ぶ
  8. (2)(終止定型で)属和音から主和音へ進む
  9. 6 〔音楽〕 真正[古典]楽器を使用した
  10. 7 ((廃)) =authoritative.
  11. [語源]
    1369.中期英語 autentyk<後期ラテン語 authenticus<ギリシャ語 authentikós 本来の,第一の,直接に(authéntēs「物事を自分でする人」より)


The quality or condition of being authentic, trustworthy, or genuine.
