BYD Is in Battery-Supply Talks
Chinese Plug-In Car Maker's Chairman Looks to Put Its Technology in U.S., European Cars
BEIJING -- Fledgling auto maker
BYD Co. is in talks to supply its batteries to car companies in Europe and the U.S., Chairman Wang Chuanfu said in an interview.
A deal could solidify BYD's growing prominence in the electric-car market after it surprised the automotive world by launching a plug-in car in December, ahead of more established foreign rivals.
預定2009年上市電動汽車的富士重工業在北海道洞爺湖峰會上展出了新款電動汽車“Plug-in Stella Concept”。該公司在峰會會場投入了5輛新款電動汽車,向世界各國的政府官員及新聞媒体進行展示(圖1)。新款電動汽車以實用的Wagon車型——輕型車“Stella”為原型。最大特點是將充電電池收放進車体下部,由此确保了与原型車一樣的車內空間。
An Unsure China Steps Onto the Global Stage By MICHAEL WINES and EDWARD WONG
China’s growing clout and momentum remain hamstrung by poverty and authoritarian rule.
Once Sacred, Now Their Showcase
Michael Falco for The New York Times
Up on the Roof The penthouse apartment on East Seventh Street in the East Village has a see-through bedroom wall that opens
onto a cedar deck.
More Photos >
Until pull-down shades were recently installed, neighbors in the tenement walkups and condominiums across East Seventh Street were afforded unobstructed glimpses of the couple’s king-size platform bed, egg-shaped bathtub and clear-glass shower. The blinds might be optional this summer, as the stands of black bamboo that ring the cedar-lined terrace reach full growth, blocking out any Peeping Toms.
1 not certain or having doubts:
I'm a bit unsure about what to do next - can you help me?
2 unsure of yourself without confidence in yourself:
As a new teacher I was very unsure of myself when I was in front of a class.
1 used to show movement into or on a particular place:
I slipped as I stepped onto the platform.
The sheep were loaded onto trucks.
I've been having problems loading this software onto my computer.
Imir's been voted onto the union committee.
Hold onto (= Keep holding) my hand and you'll be perfectly safe.
2 used to show that you are starting to talk about a different subject:
How did we get onto this subject?
Can we move onto the next item on the agenda?
I'd now like to come onto my next point.
3 UK If you are onto someone, you talk to them, especially to ask them to do something or to complain:
I must get onto the plumber about the shower.
Dad was onto her again about doing her homework.
4 knowing about someone or something that can benefit you:
So how did you get onto this deal?
David put me onto (= told me about) a really good restaurant.
You're onto a good thing with this buy-one-get-one-free offer at the shop.
5 knowing about something bad someone has done:
He knows we're onto him.
Who put the police onto (= told the police about) her?
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
plug-in 插上插話即 充電
Stella 車系名 意思"星座"
Concept 概念階段的模型車
plug was found in the
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary at the entries listed below.
n. 栓
(せん); (歯の)詰め物; 消火栓
(せん) (fireplug); 【機】(内燃機関の)点火プラグ; 【電気】差し込み, プラグ; 〔話〕 (電球の)ソケット; かみタバコ; 〔話〕 テレビ・ラジオの番組間にはさむ広告; 〔話〕 (ちょっと差しはさむ)褒
(ほ)め言葉; 〔米俗〕 老いぼれ馬, やくざ馬; 〔俗〕 一撃; 〔米話〕 シルクハット (
plug hat).
pull the plug on 〔俗〕 …を(突然)打ち切る; …の息の根を止める; …の生命維持装置をはずす.
v. (-gg-) 栓をする, 詰める ((up)); 〔話〕 しつこく宣伝する; 〔話〕 せっせと働く ((away)); 〔俗〕 弾丸を撃ち込む, ぶん殴る.
plug away 〔話〕 こつこつ働く[勉強する] ((at)).
plug in 【電気】プラグを差込む; プラグでつながる.
plug into …にプラグで接続する; 〔米話〕 (人などに)同調する.
plug A into B AをBにプラグで接続する; AをB(より大きな組織)に組み込む.
Plug and Play 【コンピュータ】プラグ・アンド・プレイ ((略 PnP)).
plug compatible ━━
a. 【コンピュータ】プラグ互換の.
plug compatible manufacturer 【コンピュータ】プラグ互換製造 ((略 PCM)).
plugged-in ━━
a. 〔話〕 事情に通じた.
plug・hole 〔英〕 (流しなどの)栓でふさぐ穴.
plug-in 【コンピュータ】プラグイン.
plug-in software 【コンピュータ】プラグイン・ソフト.
plug-ugly 〔米俗〕 ごろつき.