2008年8月19日 星期二

cut (STOP SUDDENLY), segue, blue chip

JPMorgan Chase veteran David Shaheen has been appointed to succeed film-finance icon John Miller as head of the blue-chip firm's entertainment banking group, with Mr. Miller to segue into a consulting role in 2009, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Go to Article from The Hollywood Reporter»

JP ".......有關美國大導演 Steven Spielberg的報導,在第十二版上方 Director's Cut, or How Did Hollywood Lose Steven Spielberg? by Brook Barnes.即使像Spielberg這樣具有龐大票房能力的大導演,在美國這樣的資本主義國家裡,仍然有志難伸,他的談判籌碼仍然不敵那些大資本家。 這位美國國寶級的導演,看來就要被印度的大商人挖走...."

這 cut 是雙關字 除了一般砍預算等意思

Fifth Third Bancorp, a Cincinnati-based bank, said it would cut its dividend by more than half and raise about $2 billion by selling convertible preferred stock and certain "noncore businesses."

之外 還有

verb [I or T] cuttingcutcut
to stop or interrupt something:
to cut an engine/a motor
"Cut! (= Stop filming!)" shouted the director.

blue chip 【株】優良株(の) (blue-chip stock).

also blue-chip·per n.
  1. A stock that sells at a high price because of public confidence in its long record of steady earnings.
  2. An extremely valuable asset or property.
  3. Games. A blue poker chip of high value.
blue chip 【株】優良株(の) (blue-chip stock).


intr.v., -gued, -gue·ing, -gues.
  1. Music. To make a transition directly from one section or theme to another.
  2. To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another: “Daylight segued into dusk” (Susan Dworski).
An act or instance of segueing.
[From Italian, there follows, third-person sing. present tense of seguire, to follow, from Vulgar Latin *sequere, from Latin sequī.]


━━ vi. 【楽】間をおかず演奏する.
