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JP ".......有關美國大導演 Steven Spielberg的報導,在第十二版上方 Director's Cut, or How Did Hollywood Lose Steven Spielberg? by Brook Barnes.即使像Spielberg這樣具有龐大票房能力的大導演,在美國這樣的資本主義國家裡,仍然有志難伸,他的談判籌碼仍然不敵那些大資本家。 這位美國國寶級的導演,看來就要被印度的大商人挖走...."
這 cut 是雙關字 除了一般砍預算等意思
Fifth Third Bancorp, a Cincinnati-based bank, said it would cut its dividend by more than half and raise about $2 billion by selling convertible preferred stock and certain "noncore businesses."
之外 還有
verb [I or T] cutting, cut, cut
to stop or interrupt something:
to cut an engine/a motor
"Cut! (= Stop filming!)" shouted the director.
blue chip 【株】優良株(の) (blue-chip stock).
also blue-chip·per n.
- A stock that sells at a high price because of public confidence in its long record of steady earnings.
- An extremely valuable asset or property.
- Games. A blue poker chip of high value.
intr.v., -gued, -gue·ing, -gues.
- Music. To make a transition directly from one section or theme to another.
- To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another: “Daylight segued into dusk” (Susan Dworski).
An act or instance of segueing.
[From Italian, there follows, third-person sing. present tense of seguire, to follow, from Vulgar Latin *sequere, from Latin sequī.]