2008年8月21日 星期四

lax, highlight, As easy as pie

As easy as pie


Very easy.


As easy as pieThere are many similes in English that have the form 'as X as Y'. These almost always highlight some property - X, and give an example of something that is well-known to display that property - Y. For example, 'as white as snow', 'as dead as a dodo' and, risking a group slander action from our noble friends, 'as drunk as a lord'.

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adjective ━━ a. ゆるんだ; 不注意な; しまりのない; (規則・躾(しつけ)などが)手ぬるい; (行状が)だらしのない; あいまいな; 【音声】弛緩(しかん)音の; 下痢の.
lacking care, attention or control; not severe or strong enough:
He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax security.
The subcommittee contends that the authorities were lax in investigating most of the cases.

A French probe into Société Générale's rogue-trading scandal is expected to report today that the bank's controls were too lax.

laxity Show phonetics
noun [U] (ALSO laxness)

highlight:使顯著、強調。例句:His speech highlighted the need for educational reform.(他的演講強調了教育改革的必要性。)

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highlight (EMPHASIZE) Show phonetics
verb [T]
to attract attention to or emphasize something important:
The report highlights the need for improved safety.
The spelling mistakes in the text had been highlighted in green.

Laxness 兵島作家之姓

ラクスネス [Halldr Kiljan Laxness]

(1902- ) アイスランドの小説家。民衆の生活に多く題材をとり、力強い作風を示す。代表作「サルカ=バルカ」「原爆基地」
