"I'd hate this to get out, but I really like opera." — Ford Frick
get out (BECOME KNOWN) phrasal verb
If news or information gets out, people hear about it although someone is trying to keep it secret:
I don't want it to get out that I'm leaving before I've had a chance to tell Anthony.
noun [C]
a bishop in particular Eastern Christian churches
patriarch:(1)聖祖;(舊約中的)族長:如亞巴郎、依撒格、雅各伯等。(2)宗主教;教長;創始者:第四、五世紀時變為教會的頭銜,享有宗主 教尊稱的有:羅馬、君士坦丁(堡)、亞歷山大、耶路撒冷、安底約基雅等五城之主教。東方教會法規定,教宗授權賦予宗主教特殊治理權。
a member of a group who is officially on the same level as the other members but who in fact has slightly more responsibility or power:
The British Prime Minister is first among equals in the Cabinet.